I don't care what you think of me.

Feeling: excited
Fox is so amazing. She let me dl all the episodes of Yami no Matsuei from her comp. Then she helped me figure out i needed a new codec thing. And omfg. IT WORKS! I've watched YnM and some of Noir and when I'm done with chores I'm finishing Noir and watching the Marmalade Boy movie. God. This is so cool. Oh. And I'm thinking of starting a fictional diary for one of my chars--maybe Mina, maybe Meiko, maybe Sage. It depends. I need help deciding..I think it'll be loads of fun!!!! I did not forget to water ze plants. Love ya'll.
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ohhh thx so much you dont kno how great you really are. your rite too. i guess it will happen some day. i rode better this time, so i think it will work out now. :D holla if i was a fruit id be a orange, or a blueberry. are blue berryies fruties? humm i dunno. mebbey if clueless was renamed smartness hed get smarter cause mebbey insulting him eveytime you say his name is giving him low confidence. hehe ok bye now. thx so much. :D
gj on watering the plants holla