
lesson on Matters today. Me + Matt + thirty minutes of nonstop sitting trot and canter + one bouncy gait= butt ache, dead thighs, and the square root of a stomachache, i. i hate biology. today, i was so happy to get this 92 on my last test, since she's infamous for being a test nazi, and then she had to go spoil all my fun by telling me I had an 89.5 in the class average and she wasn't going to round it up because she said she wanted me to take the exam. Fuck it all. And then Mrs. Barfer gave us a bajillion pages of homework in our stupid french books. And then i lost my research notes for fucking english and had to take jane's. and then my pizza was greasy at lunch. i had to mop it off with a napkin. and then art class alerted me to the fact my project is due in two days. and then health sucked because everybody was giggling about aids like it was funny or something and i wanted to stab them all in the eyes because it's NOT! IT'S NOT FUNNY! WAKE UP!!! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, IGNORANT, IGNORANT, IGNORANT, IMMATURE, IMMATURE, IMMATURE! And my lesson was good. I have begun my round pen regime with oreo. I've got complete mastery over where she goes, how fast, where she looks, and what she does, and this is without touching her once, simply by using the correct body language in the round pen. She amazes me. she's so smart. omg. she'll make some little girl's dreams come true someday. um. oh. and this morning, i missed my bus because my shampoo made my hair dry funny and when i stuck my hair wax in and started to scrunch(it usually gets super curly and really non frizzy) it just matted and looked like something had crawled onto my head and died there so I had to shower and change and stick in straightening product and blow dry and FUCK I MISSED THE BUS! But. Katie burned my CD for me. Sei had A lunch today. Toushard spoke to me when we got off the bus. Matthew is sound. Riley is healthy. Oreo is a genius. I have a lovely, simple study guide for Biology. This friday and saturday i spend with my girlfriends. mrs. freeman is so cool. i have a pretty art project. and we're all out of aspirin, thereby deleting my chances to take it anymore. I hope I won't go through withdrawal. *giggles* * There are so many pressing questions in life...such as.. Why are we here? What is love? When is National lunchmeat month? Who let the dogs out?
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It's's like I'm drugged or something (not really) cuz I could just care less about worries man...that kinda thing. And I hate you cuz you get to ride horses, that used to be my dream.
Don't hug me.
You have an obsession with that little face, you know that, right?