Something tells me I'm not in Kansas anymore

I got up at around nine today and went to bed at around seven last night, which brings my total hours of sleepage up to like fourteen. I love the concept. I feel better now, although I got to stay home from school. It's ironic, because yesterday and the day before were the two days the parentals MADE me go, and were the two days I was most ill, and today I could have definitely been fine at school but they kept me home. Laughter. I can hear my radio playing upstairs. I was lax to turn it off when I came down here to answer the phone, and now I am lax to return upstairs and turn it off and return down here again. I unsuccessfully tried to re-boot my network connections at home today; my attempts resulted in a great big fat nothing, which is what usually happens when I try to work with computers. I quote myself: "I know only where the On button is, how to use the mouse and keyboard, and the difference between a computer and a monitor." GHP interview practice last night sucked. I was sitting in a cloud of fever and delerium answering questions about Hemingway and trying not to grouse too much when people told me I need to talk slower. Yeah, but the faster I get done the faster I can go home, drug myself, and go to SLEEP. Yes, sleep. There's a long weekend this weekend and today I was supposed to make up a Chemistry lab after school. Oopsies. P.S. Puzzle of the day: Is there someone familiar looking in THIS picture? Hint. She's wearing yellow. The girl next to her is super tall and was her best buddy in LA.
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You're welcome.
And yes, I did know.
No one else makes such horrendous grammar errors that I feel the need to correct them.
My brother called me this afternoon to say that although he was coming to pick his stuff up tomorrow, he was really sad to be leaving. I got all choked up and he said that's the reason he didn't say it to my face.