
Things I have learned in my first year of High School: 1.) French teachers lie about not being mad at you for not going to Clemson for the French poetry competition. 2.) Art teachers don't like it when the very edge of your paper is crumpled. At all. 3.) No matter what you say, no matter what you do, you WILL run the mile before the end of the year. 4.) Seniors are docile. It's those bitter-assed sophomores you've got to watch out for. 5.) Librarians never forget the face of an offender. 6.) The office will never, ever know what is going on, and they will never, ever know your name, even if you're in there all the time. 7.) Your counselor has spies everywhere, whose prime purpose is to listen in on your conversations, then run over and say "I don't mean to eavesdrop but you should go talk to your counselor about that." 8.) You can call people from your cell phone in the bathroom....or in an art supply closet. 9.) The arrows indicating up stairs and down stairs don't matter. 10.) Dr.Green is probably a child molester masquerading as a chorus teacher. 11.) English teachers like quiet children, math teachers like smart children, and science teachers only like you because your parents are, respectively, a doctor and a medical genetecist (sp?). 12.) Flip flops are a good thing. 13.) Short skirts are overrated. 14.) The majority of cheerleaders are spiteful. 15.) A lunch sucks, B lunch has nobody in it, and C lunch is full of delinquents and druggies. 16.) The ghetto is everywhere. Even in PTC. Which is funny, considering PTC is THE town for rich white snobs. Yo, dawg. 17.) People WILL read out and scream out the brand of your underwear if given the chance. 18.) Papers from the office are always given to you eight days late. 19.) The office is gullible. 20.) Seniors never get in trouble. "Oh you kids. *wags finger*" 21.) EVERYONE wants to be a.) a writer, b.) a psychologist, or c.) a vet. more later.
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All of that is more true than you could possibly know. It is great, though, that you don't conform to that. :) That's what makes real people.
lol, so true