Pizza Pizza Pizza!

Feeling: concerned
I really liked Yesterday. I talked to Colby I called Chase (finally) Ryker came over (much fun) Dallan took me to the Pristge Reverse Dounuts and Pizza.. i should count my different laughs To make a mental note. 1. write it on a sticky 2. stick it to the wall of stickys in your head! Chase is going to New Jersey Dallan is leaving Tomorrow for the MTC I need to call Kurt and i'm going to copy all my entries into a hard copy... handwritten. more personal that way.
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I really love you. We do need to do something sometime. Shopping or a movie or whatever. Let's play!
I really liked it too! Dallan left? AWWW!!! I hope he makes it safely there! I'll bet he'll do awesome though! Have a good one Mariah!
I still love you. We need to do something together like go Christmas shopping! Take care and... have a wonderful day tomorrow! Love you! ~Colby