Boys cheated

Feeling: trapped
to the anonyomus comment... I'm not talking about Austin. Austin and i have way too much between us to even try. I was thinking about a guy few people know about.. And i didn't have fun. But i blame that entirely on myself. I blame my attitude. I had no reason to be so bitter but i was and i still am. So don't even pretend you understand. I don't expect you too. Oh my mom and i had another discussion about Austin and i accussed her of being slefsih and close minded, she mearly thought i was childish Made me mad... it's just that alot of things happened today and they really pissed me off this morning i was late to Ballroom so i don't think that everyone around me was very pleased about that. and then i was Talking to Austin and i told him about the date and how i didn't have fun and how i blamed myself for it and i told him that anything could tip my balance to any extreme .. then in first hour... twenty minutes after i was talking to Austin, Mrs. Wharton divided up my favorite song in the show in to different solo parts and now i can't sing my favorite part and a girl that can't sing that type of song got a solo And that started my downfall second hour was fine... ish i was mad because of first hour and so i was practicing that song so i can spit in thier faces tomorrow by having the song memorized and so i headed to third hour singing it in my head... and then i just got mad. for no reason! Just Mad!! So i started yelling things in class. Then Cowly was talking about how it's bad when your self starts talking back. and then i started agruing that my self was very talkitive Then at the assembly I freakout. I vented all the anger i had in me and screamed until i had no more voice. It took Emily Brad and Colton just to keep me from attacking the people in charge.. and i wanted to... oh how i wanted to. But i still protested. I'm Sorry i scared Emily so much but i was really getting everything out. Tip: Unless you somehow make me feel useful or needed or wanted... DON'T approach me when i'm freaking out enought that people are holding me back. You might somehow make me madder and i WILL try to hurt you. Don't believe me? Ask Emily... i could've done great damage. I hurt myself slamming the table at lunch.
Read 6 comments
Hang in there Mariah...we're all learning just like you. I know I can't help much and I never have helped you with your problems, which is unforgiveable of me. I don't mean this to sound offensive or anything, but hang in there...There's people that love you and I love you as well and always will...No matter what you do...You'll always be my friend. Feel better okay? See you later.
my beautiful love! I miss you...let's go to a movie and stuff our faces with junkfood...
i haven't been on here forever it seems like a lot's been going on, i just fixed my computer so now i'll be checking up and leaving comments more often so i'll try to keep up with what you're going through nowadays buddy......k........ be hippidy happy :)
aren't you pathetic.
I don't think I know you... But really, you sound bipolar. I don't mean this in an insulting way, but you should consider looking further into it.