No Drugs..

Feeling: aggravated
anyone know how to make the background just one picture and not get it so it repeates itself? So i got home and my mom was in the kitchen and she just stands up like i surprised her and then she looked at me and sat back down with the comment that she was expecting someone else. I came home at a reasonable time considering my usual lack of such and she thinks i'm someone else... When i told mom i wasn't going to school she said that the only way i wasn't going was if she took me to the doctors and got me on an anti-depressant. I said No. I told her that i didn't want to go on meds because i saw what it did to Tina and I'm not going to let drugs do that to me. My mom thought i was being rash and then went on about how when she slowed down on her anti depression pills that she was making everyone miserable inclueding herself, and that Tina was a rare case. You know what? My mom didn't get off her pills the damage in this house might have been worse. But she started decribing what depression was like for her and my sis and how they just couldn't move and be motivated. I lokked her straight in the eye and i told her that i didn't just decide, but that i had a plan and i was going to do it to the best of my ability. Then i got out of bed and left to take my shower. I don't think my mom believed me but i did it a bit to spite her and a bit to prove to myself that i do not have depression. Call it Denile...i call it surviving. I will not let drugs rule my life. I have a caffine toterance of like 2... i take one asprin for a migraine... otherwise i take life as it comes and sometimes i even eat healthy. I will not let drugs rule my life.
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i wish i were u. i depend on my antidepressent.
youu make a decision.
and tryy to stick with it.
going against the people who think they know what's best.
and even what your mind mayy be thinking.

and i love that.

I love you moo-moo!! You are simply amazing! If you need to talk more, give me or emily babe a call!! Much love to you this day!
Mariah. Life sucks sometimes, you know? Depression is awful. I took pills for almost a year, and they really helped me. But I'm doing much better and don't take my pills very often now.
It's okay to be depressed. And it IS okay to take pills. If you had cancer, wouldn't you take pills to help combat the disease? Depression is just another disease, and I say give pills a chance. Maybe they'll help you when nothing else can.
I love you Mariah!!
But then again, if you really feel like pills aren't for you, don't take them. I actually stopped because I felt my pills were making me UNhappy (probably because I didn't need them). My mom said NO WAY will you stop taking them and that I'd just crash and burn without them. But I've done ten times better without them in the past month.
HOWEVER antidepressants DID help me, along with a good therapist and lots of blessings.
Email me! Please?
Maybe that attitude you used to show her is your personal cure to depression, eh? Keep that up and you'll go as far as you want to.