a love of some kind

a letter to someone i dont know yet what is love? what is it supposed to feel like? why do we feed off of it? well im not exactly sure, but i know what i want out of it. i want someone who is caring, someone who thinks about me when they wake up, someone who does those little things that no one else thinks matters, someone who pays attention in the conversations we have and finds little surprises in them, someone who would be completely satisfied with what they already had, instead of looking for someone new while they already have you, i want to be enough, i want to do those little things in return, i want to share the world with you, i have so much to give and so much beauty to show you, i want you to be happy, im capable of giving a love youve never seen before, something deeper, something unshallow or envious, something without jealousy, something with kindness i would love you with my whole heart. i know those little secrets, i promise if i had the chance and i was totally in love with you i would steal you in the middle of the night and pack breakfast and listen to the greatest music in the world and grow. i can be those little things that count. one day we will meet
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i am glad we have already met (:
-yo gurl murdah