i'm confused!

Feeling: confuzzled
Sitting here in the library, confused as to what people seem to think. I mean, why is he calling me? I got home from the concert yesterday night, and my mum's all, "Matt called around nine". So I was watching tv for a bit, and he called back at ten thirty. He said that he still loves me. Yeah right, he's just lonely cause Alan left him. Doesn't he understand that we're not the same people we once were? How can you love someone who's heart you broke because you were too different of people to try to make it work? He just brought up all this shit from a year ago, and I ended up hanging up on him and crying for a long time. He doesn't get how much he hurt me when he told me all those things when we broke up. I was just so upset and such, and eventually called Kiki and asked her what I should do. She said that I should just forget what he was saying on the phone, and take it as him just being alone and wanting not to be alone anymore (I know how that is). He didn't mean anything he told me last night, and I know that. But it's still really confusing. Uh, I'm so tired of people and their strangeness, but what can you do? We're all a little messed up, and that's just how life goes I suppose. Take it easy ya'll. The one, the only, Laura Michelle*
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And Bitch Away, I shall. This is gonna be a long one, so, sit back and relax. First off, I never knew about this site... quite interesting. Then, I found yours. (Sharp is on my msn, and I happen to look at her profile today...your one of her friends)
So...wow, where do I start...
What The Fuck?!?!?
I wanted to tell you all this in person, but I guess I'm too much of a chickenshit, so I actually took the time to create a profile just so...
...just so I could talk to you. Ya know, I was gonna go on and on about shit, but, ya know, Im not gonna. I just wanna know.... I dont know.
Maybe is me, but i see you around school, and I have read your entries, and you seem so... alone. But the thing is, you dont have to be, you never had to be. There were, and still are people that care for you. I dont care what anyone has to say, but, i still like you. You just seem so, disconnected...
And I really dont know why? But ya know, EVERYONE does, at one point o another. GET OVER IT. Although, i should be taking my own advice. Trust me, I am like a train wreck. I have such a blurred vision, and see despair everywhere I go. I wish this whole shit never went down. Ya know, when we used to hang out during third, or when I would take you and Sharp out for lunch... i miss that. But, i guess I should just stop right here..
... i have to go, but i will tell yopu this, If you ever need someone to talk to, someone just to listen, some to bitch with, or anything, Im just a short distance away. Well... ill see ya.