
Listening to: chris watching vip
Feeling: happy
okay, so a lot has been going on lately. thursday, ross and matt woke us up cause matt's window on the truck he's not allowed to drive, but was, got smashed by these kids that egg his house and run around on his roof. so we spent all of thursday trying to find a window that we could replace it with, and then we found one, but couldn't get it until friday. so we went to matt's, and we drank a bit. well, ross got hammered, and him and a bunch of people ended up throwing pretzels into matt's hot tub, and then we went to bed around 5 at matt's. then on friday we went to get the window, tried to pick up alanna so she could come to my party, but she wasn't home, went to my mum's to get tents, and then brought the window to matt's where chris fixed it. then we went to my party at my dad's, and then around nine thirty chris, ross, and me went camping at bird's hill. so we were there from friday night until about two today. that was fun. now we're watching tv and what not, and i'm actually really hungry. so, ta ta for now everyone. the one, the only, laura michelle*
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