gary's bday

Feeling: old
so. it's chris's dad's birthday today. we're here doing laundry too. well, the white mazda is gone. boo hoo. but, we know these people that own domino's and they have two they want to get rid of, and the girl wants the shadow. don't ask me why. so, they are coming over on sunday to work out a deal. probably going to be the shadow as a trade for the '95, and we'll owe them 1300 for the '91, because that's what they first suggested. the '95 is black and the other one is silver. the black one is a precidia edition, same but a little different than just a regular mx 3. or is it the silver one? meh. one of them is, one isn't. but they're both automatic. yay! oh! i drove chris's dad's car from our house back to his parents. i stalled it at a stop sign. and these guys drove up beside me and hollered 'learn how to drive, cunt!' so i ended up starting it a second later, flew by them and gave them the finger while honking. i felt vindicated. that was only my second time driving standard, and only stalled it once. good good. so, i was going through some boxes, and i started a collage on my bedroom wall. i also put up some pictures in the living room, and now it looks more like an actual house. i changed around our bedroom too, and now the window is behind us instead of beside. better for a breezy night, more air flow. yeah. oh, a truck at chris's work jumped out of the bay and ran over his supervisor yesterday. wait, that sounds weird. okay, so in order to start a standard vehicle, you have to push in the clutch right? and then if you release it too fast, the car stalls right? well, this truck didn't stall, it went into 1st and flew out of the bay. the guy who owns the truck is at fault though, cause all standard vehicles after some time in the 80's have to have that safety feature, and the truck was a '96, and he disabled it. so anyways, the supervisor, also named chris, is in front of it doing 'start checks' and shit, and the thing comes right at him, so he tries to jump to the side, but his leg goes under, and his hip pops out of place and his ankle gets mushed. then the damn truck smokes the side/rear end of the big boss guy's truck, and then bounces off and comes to a stop by rolling into our back bumper. there's just a scratch from the liscence plate, but the big boss (dan) got his truck annhilated, and poor chris is now in the hospital. as soon as he got there they gave him valium, and that's all we know right now. fucked hey? yeah. so i read this book, it's called 'plays well with others'. i read the back, and it's about a bunch of friends in new york city who are all trying to get famous by painting or writing or composing. turns out the damn book is just like rent, all about the group of friends getting aids and dying. but, unlike rent, everyone dies except the narrator. in rent only four of the friends die. so sad. and the narrator, hartley, is gay and wants to be with his best friend, robbie, and so does their straight friend, angie. but robbie is bisexual. so, hartley and angie promise never to go behind each other's backs and sleep with him. then hartley sees this weird spot on robbie's arm, but doesn't want to say anything cause the poor guy just got his symphony played at some theatre. but then robbie is supposed to be out of town and hartley goes to his place to raid the fridge... but lo and behold, there's angie and robbie doing the nasty on the floor. poor hartley. anyways, robbie gets kind of sick, so hart and angie go to the vd clinic. this is in the 80's before aids was really known, so they think they might just have some other curable disease (they met at the vd clinic, irony eh?). ok, so dear hart is fine, and angie says so too. they go to bury robbie a few months later in connecticut, and dear little angie confesses that she lied, and is now dying from 'it'. so, everyone of his friends (about 6-10) die from aids, and he's the only survivor. so sad. mm hmm. bah. ya know? anyways, i should probably go see what the others are doing upstairs, and if chris's evil cousin has gotten here yet. just kidding, she's not that bad anymore, we actually kind of talk now. so yeah. civilized i suppose. ta ta everyone. the one, the only, laura michelle*
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i have a sense from your entry you think i'm stupid, or perhaps, you just have some strange hatred towards me...
Aren't we almost 20? are cool...