Listening to: Sheryl Crow: Home
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 14:18:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Sarah Morrison" Add to Address Book
Subject: 2nd day of the 1st day of school
hello daddy i just thought, since i'm on, i'll email you to tell you how part two of the first day went. it is good. only thing i think i wont like too horribly much is gym(big surprise haha)but he DOES sort of seem like the kind of person that cares if you're really hurt or if you have medical problems or athsma and stuff, so thats good. i love world studies. if the class ends up sucking, at least hte teacher will still make fun of us and the TA so it will be good.PLUS he also teaches the drama classes! chemistry is good, except that the teacher cant spell "variables". the tables remind me of shamrocks. i had 2nd lunch today and arjays friend kolby got arjay and i to walk to albertsons to see if there were samples for them to eat because they didnt have money. english is okay. A TON of people from GT are in there (arjay, sara, jessica, sam, kaleb... i know you probably dont know who those ppl are but they were in GT)we read a weird poem... mom has to do more shopping eek...
Oh yeah, Sara Farnsworth saw some kid get arrested during lunch. Apparently he doesn't go to Granger... hm... and I had two more people tell me that they're thinking of closing Granger. Grrr
Well, haha thats what's up. Love you and I will see you either tomorrow or Thursday or something(since tomorrow is Timmy's birthday.
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