Listening to: songs in my head
Feeling: annoyed
My house smells like my grandma's.
My grandma is dead.
It's fucking bothering me really bad and it is weird.
Mom is all happy and weepy cuz it smells like her house but for me, I hate it
I keep expecting to hear her voice and I know that is a fucking utter impossibility
I kind of forgot that it's sunday. I don't fucking want to go to school tomorrow.
Sudenly I'm on a downer from that perch I was on.
I'm hanging by my fingertips and its pissing me off.
I'm goign to go finish the things I have to do...
Because it doesn't smell like this in my room. In my room the coldness overpowers any scent.
"Me and Monkeys have something in common: Monkeys eat banannas for food. So do I!"
Have a Nice Day!!