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Listening to: My Chemical Romance: Vampiers Will Never Hurt you
Feeling: cold
Today was better than yesterday I guess.
Gym is ucky. I fail. hahaha. go me. not.
mr fuller dressed up like a muslim and gave us a lecture. arjay laughed maiacallymost of the day. i got another frazil for lunch... they're addicting. Scott's GF thinks arjay is going to kill herself over her and scott. Oh my god... shallowness. Arjay wrote note back. TOok notes and realized i can do stuff in chemistry.. mom texted me about dinner and stuff. english was fun. more day in the groups.
Sigh... i think I do like Seb. he talks alot about the big ass show which is cool, and he was humming NIN and shanice had to go "talking later" to break the convo up so we'd do the work. it makes me laugh. and when I stopped Seb was all "BUT ITS NINE INCH NAILS AND TRENT REZNOR!"...
he is a drummer. apparenlty his band is good. I want to see/hear sort of. He said he was drumming in 6th the whole time and was bothering people. i'm like 2 seats in front of him, and i was so annoyed by the music fuller had on that I didn't pay attention. Anywya, english was the best class today I think...
Mom gave me a ride home. we went to harmons and i got the jerkies that I love. Yay. we go to la fra for dinner hopefullly.
Oh yeah lmfao I sort of ditched arjay after school and I saw Jordan scowling out the window. God they are such retards sometimes
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