
Listening to: AC
Feeling: offended
ok... so i fucked up again. and now i am being made to stay at my dad's house. i don't know how long... and it sucks because there is no phone and hardly any computer. i am just supposed to be on myspace right now but... eh. you know how it goes i guess.... Same old me. same old shit. but things are okay... i guess they suck, but... i'm getting better at the whole pretending thing. i'm going to wear my fun outfit soon. my loft feels like an attic. i love it. it has carpet and blue paint and this awesome lamp that my greatgrandparents gave my grandma for her wedding.. and that was... fifty years ago. aye. oh well for me. but i like it so... it kind of sucks sometimes being constantly surrounded by only my father... and not necesarily the fun one my grades suck, i'll give you that, but why must i read eight more hours of that stupid book when i have a c in that class without it? i've been working my ass off lately and all i get is another shove. eric is never home. at least there are fuzzy ones here to love and play with. and a camera which i have basically free range over. i get to cook ramen noodles tonight. yay?
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