Listening to: some song on holes
Feeling: jazzed
Well, yesterday was okay...
I watched Phantom of The Opera like five times. It is fucking addicting. Mainly... I need to figure out the words... or watch it alot more so that I get sick of it. But... anyway...when mom got home, we all got really bored, and decided to go somewhere far away for dinner....
we settled on the Belgian Waffle and Omlette Inn. It was like, holy fuck, I haven't gone
there in like 4 years... but so... we took bangerter out to 78th south and went down into midvale that way. whoa, it is fucking weird to be down there....
went past where JB's used to be... and mcdonalds, and as we were going past Gardener Village, I suggested that we go to the Mill restaurant. But there was a storm (gorgeous.... beautiful and angry) and we couldn't get a parking place close enough... so we just went, fuck it lets go to BWAOI.
but first... we continued down 78th south... past city hall and where mindy lived/lives... past the no longer existant vincent drug(if you've seen sandlot, you've seen vincent drug ahahhahahsahaa!!)... and past the store that Mikey's uncle owned.. it's gone from casa blanca to La Cabana... i almost wanted to go down the street that leads to the cemetery and city park/boys and girls club building, but i forgot... and it was weird enough as it was. went past midvale elementary, glanced down the street where midvale middle is... and then... oh my god... we went past the house. going east on 78th south, turn right at the Zion's bank, go to the first street on your right, past mikeys house, turn right again, past the church and the parking lot.. and turn right again into Olympus circle... oh my god... it was just weird... going past the Edward's house, and the Peterson's(Mandee looked out the window at us and tony wanted to say hi. I almost did too) and stopped in front of our house. 266 w. olympus circle... frick. the porch was redone... the fence is down and the lawn is gorgeous, you can actually see under the pine trees, it looks like hte downstairs staircase is usable, and all of the grape vines and the crab apple tree were gone... the borrowmans just looked like the borrowmans... basketball hoop still there and everything. It was just like...murder driving through there... I realize sometimes how much I miss the house... and the view of the mountains... oh my god, so lovely.. i miss it. went south down olympus to wasatch street... i named off the streets on the left (grant, roosevelt, coolidge) went past the library and shawn berry's old house... past the seven eleven where the weird wig lady thought mom was somebody else... and up wasatch to 7th east, past union and all those town home things... north past harmons and everything, and up into waffle's parking lot across from hillcrest.
we sat there in a booth... just staring out at the valley... and the storm... the triple layer rainboow to the east. god... it was just so... in a word heartbreaking to me. then we went to state street, past junction and last outpost... past the corner where Dee's used to be.... I almost cried at that... down past Shaingai and Quilted Bear and Silvestre's... and then mom did something unthinkable... she took 3rd west... fuck that is almost as bad as being in midvale alone. going down the street that i was on every day when ahma used to baby sit me... remembering everything that's there... that's not there, that used to be there. like the sam's place thing... and the smokestacks, and the freaky little bridge that only lets one car through at a time and scares the crap out of me..
i really almost wanted to come home and cry... but i couldnt...
and it just felt so bad to me, remembering that part of me that is gone. all of those things that i remember that are so important to me but hurt so much to think of.
i sat and talked to mom for a while... just slept... it was nice...
i miss so much about that... and yet sometimes i am just so happy to be rid of it.
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