Listening to: keyboard clicking
Feeling: bored
This class is really pretty lame. I know how to use excel. Not really much of anything she taught me.
Drage is in here too. Eek!
I think she's mad at me.
I never went to those stupid FBLA meetings. Next year, I'll make her happy I suppose.
I shall give in to the parent's request for massive extra curriculars. Maybe.
Okay, and just for the record,
Okay, it is not supposed to snow two freaking inches on APRIL 18th!!!!!!!
But it is kind of nice. Cold, and annoying, but it does quiet things down a bit. I have a doctor's appointment tonight. I better get my cd tonight. Eric said I would. I trust his word.
But this class is lame. I have a couple things I have to finish for ms. Doutre but oh well.
Nothing much more to say.
Oh yeah, Sara is a whore.
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