Listening to: nothing
Feeling: idiotic
We went and saw Harry Potter last night. it was groovy. I like it. Some parts left out but it was pretty good. They could have done more with the quidditch world cup but meh oh well...
hung w/ liz and joan before it started. joan is coola bout brett and aleks. it's like hehe hurrah. Liz said she'd have him call me, but he hasn't and I... sort of don't care.
I mean, I like him, I REALLY do, but just... phone convos aren't worth much to me and I hate them, and we can only see eachother on like...weekends...
So... i'm sick. I stayed home again... watched blow and Mulan 2 because we had absofucking lutely nothing to do. again i say, oh well.
Actually went to the doctor's today. I lost weight... 2 pounds not much I know but still... 3 more and I will maintain and be... ok... Lori is perceptive. Got prescription for a steroid to help with the athsma inflamation and albuterol bullshit.
I noticed that in that office there are pediatricians, dentists, and psychologists.
I don't need a physical evaluation.
I need a mental one.
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