it didn't work...
I wish the wind could just blow me away.
The raindrops are hitting so hard they sound ilke bullets.
&& She's only smiling cause it hurts too much to cry.
hey your not bringing me down, your my friend and i really dont want you to kill yourself. i know its hard, if my friend hadnt comited suicid when she did i WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD BY NOW. i was about to break that day but then i saw how many people it hurt and i couldnt posibly do that to my friends and family. drawing helped me alote maybe you should just right. i dont know what i would do if you died:(!!!
well uhm i'm not sure if you have my AIM but IM me if you wanna talk
we breathe again
w/ the spaces
IM me anytime [when i'm online that is]
and hope you get better