Listening to: Papa Roach: Last Resort
Feeling: sober
it's all gone away. those feeligns taht were here so long.
i thaink something i dont know. i drove that needle in ... it hit the bone. i tear away these masks they hide behind in darnkess. sheilded by the night. masks of shadow. life is gone. taken by something we can't stop. loved by the demons more than us. lying low ina six foot hole beginning to smeell the decay. relieved of eternal agony. welcomeed to unending silence. a deatht o be welcomed. blood meant nothing
the pills were too weak.
the water wasn't deep enough
the blade was too short.
that memory
it came back. it was enough. i was never enough
i was always alone. unbodied by self fulifilling fantasies i found love in what you fear. what you claim not to care. as the fless falls off and the bones begin to splinter we understood. not an enemy. the shadows welcome. it was all i ever needed. they came to me. with those masks.i used to be afraid. its all been forgotten now.
life is gone.
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