August 22, 2007 - Wednesday
I’m swearing of women forever.
Current mood: cold
Category: Life
(this whole thing is full of spelling errors because it is one in the morning...duh)The whole point in our life is to pass on our DNA or "seed". For those that don't belive me, think of everything that anything teaches. Religion states that we must "multiply and replenish the earth". Goverment "no child left behind" and "what world do you want to leave for your childern". With this in mind, ask yourself if we are really any different than the animals we share this planet with. We give into the same primitive emotions that animals feel; anger, being jelous, greed, pride. pysical desires such as; food, lust, sex. And this brings me to my point stated in the title, I will no longer be a victim of what my genes tell me to do. Not like I could accompish my assigned task if I wanted too.
I am sick and tired of being "that guy". The one that all the girls come to too "bitch" about there boyfriends. saying crap like " oh, I need someone that will listen, and that's sesitive, and whose you, just not you". I was just talking to one of my female friends about this and she made the statement "yeah, I never looked at you like that [boyfriend/friend with benifits] not like I haven't tried but you just been to much of a friend to me". Do you understand this crap? All the people I have ever met have told me that there 'lover' is also there best friend. But here I'm being "too much of a friend". What do they want from me? To be a complete jerk. No they want me to be better looking and act like I don't give a damn. Well since I have no chance at getting plastic surgy any time soon.....looks like I'm screwed.
I know this one girl is feeling me. I can tell from they way she is around me and the fact they (they being a group of young females I was hanging with tonight) where talking about who they where going to pick out at my job.....and they thought I couldn't hear them..... but she is feeling someone else so much more....which makes me jelous.....which make me angry...which makes me do something stuiped and cause myself pain. So lets back up.......If I become a cold bitter person I will not get hurt. Now I know some of you are saying that "the pain is worth it when you find that specail someone" bull crap. You just settele for people and become delusional that you love them. "be yourself" the women say....wrong. I've been myself and I've become "that guy" and "that guy" never finds the woman he's looking for. I will not change who I am to pass on my gentics because gentics is your pysical being but who I am is how I act and how I act determines what I shall be remebered as. I will be remebered as the lonely guy that help everyone else with there problems while never dealing with his own.
No matter how well logical Sean kicks in "animal' Sean can't stand the thought of being "that guy" forever. everything I do (even if I don't relize it) is to impress the women of my life. Got a job for buys stuff....stuff gets women. Work out (or try to) to get buff to get the women.
I will always be the shoulder to cry one and not the one to rest your head durring that special slow dance.
Mish-Mash Neon Queen™
Believe it or not, I really DO know how you feel.
Being the person who bears the load of what everyone else is feeling...
The one who is asked for advice on things they may never have been successful in...
Seeing the ones you want and the people you care for slip away
Realizing you did things you wouldn't normally do to get that "someone"
Giving up on it.
I wish I could tell you "it gets better"
Wish I could tell you... something.
But I personally think that the shoulder you cry on should be the same you rest your head on.
And I don't know if you care, but I like you just as you are.
why not say...
"I don't ask anything more from you. You're wonderful, you make me laugh and smile, and I feel good around you. I feel safe and happy. I hate seeing you disappear behind the door. It makes me blink away if you are hurt..."
but no.
I am gutless.
God, we are perfect.
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