Listening to: Green Day: American Idiot
ok ok gonna be a long ass entry so sit yourselves down motherfuckers.
i will write about teh rest of w/e and all that good shit in due time. but i must release all of this pent up rantingness somewhere.
left around 5:45, got a happy meal to snarf on the way to robyn's. grabbed her and mom dropped us off at the delta center. (different story going on here, but it's not for now boys and girls) so we got in line and waited... probably only 15 minutes to get in the doors. gal from Xbox took our pictures, then a girl from VZW did. got in and all, found our seats. fucking awesome. lower section, second to last row, slightly to the left of the stage. FUCK!!! they had these screens up and people could send text messages and they'd show up on the screen. i sent one "granger kicks. i want you greenday." robyn sent one that was "ELMO KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE! -SPAZ" so that was fucking awesome. this really mormon looking older lady was sitting in front of us. i was like, oh, my god, she's going to fucking ruin it. the people to my right were diehard fans, with like kerplunk shirts. they looked kind of like hippies.
Jimmy was pretty good. it took my ears a while to adjust to the noise level so it didnt sound that good. they sang pain and work and futures and they closed with the middle. while they were changing it all up, i bought wristband things with the little bit that mom gave me. a pink bunny came out and was dancing to YMCA. robyn called it the "porno bunny." the last interlude song they played was "we will rock you" and as the music died out and the lights went off, everyone stood up and screamed. my throat hurts at the thought. the set to my knowledge and rememberance....
american idiot
jesus of suburbia
basket case
hitchin a ride
wake me up when september ends
boulevard of broken dreams
deadbeat holday
something offa kerplunk.
one that i think i might have... but dont know what it is- its like... i dunno i'll figure out what it is.
more i know, but i'm not completely sure.
now for the wonderful amazing events. and iknow its like all choreographed, but eh. still fucking awesome.
security guards hauled someone away and billie joe screamed at them to let him go but they didnt. says fuck. did the "not anti american anti war" thing before holiday let us sing along. had screaming contests and at one point he was pointing to one side then the other and going oh! oh! and then he started moaning and making all these orgasmic sounds and then he fucking stuck his hand down his pants
and started masturbating and moaning and doing all this. i thought the woman in front of me was gonna shit or die or something. but she just sat downa nd drank her little beer. and then he yelled "SOMEBODY FUCK ME!" dude i was ready to crowd surf my way down there and obey him. haha and i know he always does that but still man. as robyn said "billie joe makes me horny" ahhaha. lets see... then he yelled "time to get naked!" curse him he lied. and i wo.... well nevermind. then he introduced all of the band members, like the jason guy on second guitar, and the one that is on piano and accordian and many many many many pornographic websites... and he introduced mike as the best fucking bassist in the history of punk rock and as a man who looks good naked... and then he was all "and my name, ladies and gentlemen is george w bush" and a ton of boos rose from teh crowd and then he yelled "BUT YOU CAN CALL ME ASSHOLE!" one of the best things is when he was swearing. i dunno why. swearing to me is quite attractive. i duno. maybe its just teh way he did most of it. not just fuck. but FFFFFFFUCK. sigh wonderfullness.
made us do the wave. best fucking wave ever, for the record. started a "band" onstage. he let the fucking girl keep the guitar and she got to touch him. fuck her. thenthe bassist got to fucking crowd surf. and then my mind goes a tad bit off... because i began to get tired and uh... well... mm... nvm... but i do know that he sang shout, and hten collapsed on the stage, humped it, and then sang stand by me. then he had another hsouting contest and thanked us and all that good shit. then... during the last few songs he yelled at us for anyone who had lighters or cell phones to take htem out and wave them. the lights went out and all the blueish screens shone in the midst of the crowd, waving around like little starts in a sea of waving arms. and the "last" song was queen's we are the champions. whoa. blackout with words on stage. and a disco ball. the pyrotechnics were awesome too. thats what i shoudl be when i grow up. pyrotechnician. YES! i have found my calling! bangs. my ears felt like there were holes in them and they were ringing until today in gym. the pauses between songs and conclusions were the best. like when he was talking with the bass line in holiday. 1/2 the people did ZEIG HEIL when he sang it. and i did the cross with faith and misery. and the climax for minority was FUCKING AWESOME. mom was right. good riddance was the last "keep the message" i hope you had the time of your life. it is the ultimate concert ender
so we left. was going to buy shirt but they were all evil lined. so we walked out and there was a guy handing out VZW concert series posters. so i got three. one for tasha, and one for me. and robyn grabbed one away from me. we were all deaf and we told my mom about billie joe masturbating.
chicken it was just fucking awesome. haha yesterday when i got home and i felt like a half cooked noodle and my ears were ringing and my throat hurt like fuck, i wrote the following in my journal:
Wednesday, september 21, 2005
Dear journal,
masturbates for audience on stage. moons us (NICE FUCKING ASS)says fuck. calls GWB asshole. says fuck. yells "TIME TO GET NAKED!" yells at security guards. makes my ears ring. makes me want to follow his actions (ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh)and obey him. aslo thinks mike looks good naked. sings us sweet songs. says fuck. yells at us. yells "SOMEBODY FUCK ME!" while his hand is in his pants and he is moaning. makes us take out our lighty things. humps the stage.. does psycho covers "SHOUT" and "stand by me" and we are the champions. sings when people are done. gives away guitars. squitrs water at us. sings and runs around the stage with his guitar and his sexxxy tight pants. sigh. it was awesome.
and it was.

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