Listening to: Cake: Short Skirt Long Jacket
Feeling: anxious
Today has been relatively okay. I can't eat what I want.. not even really much which sucks but... the pills are still working wonderfully. There are bacardi silvers in my fridge. but I won't drink them hehehe.
ASL was fun. Teacher empathizes with me over teeht pulled. we played "guess my name" oh yes and then took a test. i missed 2 days and I got 94% on it. woot for me.
Review and bull in Math. I get it and its fun for me.
Lunch was lame and lamely short.
Art sucked ass as usual. People dont bring thigns back and some people like myself just sit and do nothing.
Astronomy was lame. TOok the notes I needed to and then proceeded to draw.
The bus was interesting. I dont know why Sara insists on sitting by me but oh well. ArJay spit cookie crumbs in jordans hair. It was rather interesting. He hurt her muahahha. She called hima bitch oh yes.
Trevor is weird and reminds me of someone.
But WHO?
Mom wants to make cookies.
So do I
Cooke cookie.
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