1/2 Christmas Eve

Listening to: old ladies talking
Feeling: disappointed
Okay, On Christmas eve, it is supposed to be dreary and snowy and really really cold. You're not supposed to be able to go outside barefoot, sit in the sun, and go oh its a bit chilly I think i want a sweatshirt. Well that's whats going on right now and I really don't care for it much. I wish all weather forecasts were discarded. I wish It were some kind of natural rule that snow fall in excess on December 24th. Although, It has been a fairly good day. I slept in which was unusual, ate nilla wafers and played scrabble with tony and sherry. Amazingly, I won. I mean, I totally kicked ass. She was like 154... I was 194 yah! go me! We started a puzzle but I'm sort of bored with it... been on and off and off and on all day. Grandma felt bad becuase My christmas list was 1. them 2. her 3. laptop and uncle shane and I got sent out last night to purchase one for her, but were sent away with the stupid credit card and then today they ran off at like 9:30 in the morning to get her one. It was $375!!!!!!!! I mean, freak, put my "$150" to that. Mum is here now and we're starting to get the things for tacos made. It is so hard to believe tomorrow is Christmas.It scarcely feels like it at all... Yet it is. Perhaps when the other 2 arrive and we eat our tacos and chat and its dark and the windows begin to fog... maybe when we open our traditional pajama package.. maybe then it will feel like christmas. But to me, I'm afraid... It will just seem like an ordinary day. An ordinary day in which I get a lot of crap.
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merry x mas and i know what you mean but each passing day it gets harder ive used the elastic to cut down on the urges. mstweek merry christmas