Castle of Chaos.

Listening to: Thoughts In My Head
Ugh. Today was... ok. Woke up, tossed nad turned and wanted to sleep a bit more. mom finally forced me up and I did pretty much nothing until it was time for DANA. They put a bigger wire in this time. It doesn't go up or bend as much but they're mainly focusing on making room at the moment.... God my mouth hurts like fuck. Talked mum into letting us buy shit from sev for lunchy thing ness. Got some icecream hooray!!!! I haven't eaten it yet but I am getting there. So then I ate and sat on the couch until it was time for Dr's appointment... eek. Got up there a tad bit late. LMAO mom was WRONG!!! I GAINED weight. It might be redistributing... but... god. I'm in the motherfucking 97 percentile. I'm not sure what exactly it means, but I know it means I'm a fucking fatass. How's that for selfesteem??? Tested vision and eyes. my left eye DOES fuck some stuff up. But I have 20/20 and 20/25 vision which is pretty good. I don't need no fucking glasses. All the while I'm dreading completely what I know will happen.... the shots. gahhhh. SO... basically, even if I AM overweight... I am pretty damn healthy and all she really says is to stop worrying about school and shit and just do what I can (hahaha) and exercise a bit more. Suggested weight watchers I think. Bad bad memories. baddddddddddd. So then... came the oh so fabulous part. Immunizations and FLU shot. Amazingly, nobody had to hold me down this time. I was proud. Even if I did cry. It is all becasue of bad bad experiences in teh past with horrific visits to the hospital and the asshole lady at the health department that held me down while i screamed (at five years old), gave me the other shot, and went tom om "can't you make her shut up!?!?!?!??!" I cried alot. I was so angry at tony. I can feel the ache and the bit of a bruise from the tetanus booster on my left arm. It hurts. So afterwards mom was thirsty and I wanted something real cold to make my wire happy, so we got in the car, I cranked QUESTION! and we drove across the street to sonic. I got mad at tony because he gave me dirty looks. Mom decided that tonight would be a really good night to go to a hauntedhouse thing. So up there on highland drive is castle of chaos and mom and i saw stuff about it on channel 2 this week. It didn't open till seven so we had some time to kill. Were at sonic for a while, then we went to Cottonwood mall. I hate it there. I got skelly earings from claires. not the fucking ones I wanted but eh oh well. Wristband taht says "wicked" on it. yessssss. Thats about the extent of good that came from there. Ate ice while we wandered looking for a fells wargo ATM. castle of chaos... It was ok. Not very scary... and we got stuck with these four little kids... you get roles and shit so I was like "how the fuck are we supposed to enjoy all of this when we are supposed to do things!?!??!?!?!" and the stupid assholes yell at you when you don't do things right. The hot guys in their creepy corpse-y makeup kept following me and stuff. It was alot better once we met Demos and got to go into the nightmare realm. These girls in front of us refused to go in by themselves. It fucking pissed me off. I got in and crawled around and one guy came and jumped out at me and was all "Do you mind if i have a bite" and i said "no" and he said "just a quick little bite it wont hurt much" and he opened his arms and leaned in really close and breathed on my cheek and in my ear. And like hugged me without touching. Oooh if it weren't for the fact that you can't touch the actors, I would have... well... yeah. And I walked a bit further and he followed me and then I guess someone came in behind himn that he had to attend to and he came up really close again and then ran away into the darkness. Then there was a nother guy in the fog-strobe room and he was wearing claws and came up by me and stopped and sort of slid by and slid his claws along my face. And then out in the hall when I got turned around and shit he did it again. Then I think he came into the coffin room while I was waiting to go. Only that time he only reached through the bars at me. Sigh. He was fucking HOT!!!!! So it was lots better once we got to the nightmare realm. The twisted tunnel and coffin drop were cool. Then there was this person who was headless outside who got up all close and followed me with a skull. mom said something about orthadontia and he kind of backed away. then some other (or possibly the same) guy with claws came up to mom and smiled. And its kind of like, I may be fat, but apparently I got in most of the right places. Lovely lovely lovely night. God my arm hurts. I still have like 7 cds to listen to. I have H.I.M.'s verson of don't fear the reaper stuck in my head. as well as ville valo. Fuck he is beautiful.
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honestly...the weird thing is that i'm a tad bit afraid of needles but i don't mind the shots...?
i'm used to the shots cuz i have to get my blood tested like evry kinda grows on you...

but remember!