Drugs are bad.

Who Are You?

I think its clear that I have a drug problem. That problem being that I never have enough! ha! Yeah, I'm sooo high right now...I took a picture I found on the internet and added some animation to it in photoshop. "I really wanna know. Whooooo are you? Whoo? Whoo? Whoo? Whoo? Now tell me who are you?"
Read 6 comments
Hello....What's up? I'm bored!! And I hate school!!
ps i love your diary its great
hi im ashlee.. u seem like really coool...add me to ur friends n comment mme please!
is photoshop really good? I have paintshop pro, and Im always making some sort of graphic. xoAmy-Lee
Haahh, cute.
Verrry cute.
ha! I was so thinking about the caterpiller thing in Alice in Wonderland, when I saw the picture. So yeah! And thanks for answering the question, now question you answered why for the personality thing and the first move but not the first one....so yeah, and it's good to know, you prefer personality over looks, so far, that's the vote getter.
hey how did you get all this cool shit on your journal page gimme a hit on mine