My Own Personal Jesus

Feeling: adventurous
Another animation. So anyhow. I think that if I was to believe in a God, I would make one up of my own. I pride myself on being creative and original in these matters so thats why I've decided I just need to create my own religion. It would be really sweet if I could create a cult where people obeyed me and agreed to sacrifice themselves to the God I made up. Then, just as they were about to do it I would say "Just jokin'." or "April fools." Something like that. "Nope, theres no God, you castrated yourself for nothing. Heh. Good one, eh?" Not to say that anyone would follow me, but if someone was dumb enough to, they deserve what they get. But anyhow, on a more serious note, I think that everyone makes up their own God. Because God is such an abstract concept, people are given the ability to make God into whatever they want him/her to be. Thats the reason that I believe that every religion has so much art behind it. People like to imagine their God or gods as amazing beings that act in ways that we wish we could behave. We create a picture of our God/gods with things we read, things we hear, and things we make up for ourselves about what something benevolent would look like. Our God's behavior is as such. People who believe that God is a kind and gentle God, picture their God as a being that does generous things towards humanity. Our gods represent all of the things we value most or that we think we should value most. We punish ourselves when we feel that we do not live up to our values. We feel guilty for having not lived up to the standards we claim to believe in. Many people, I believe mistake this feeling for proof of God. Many feel that because they believe that God is talking to us through this feeling. We call it our conscience and we feel as though we should follow it as we would a decree from God. I do not believe that there is anything wrong with this theory because it seems to be a valid explanation if you believe in God as a creator of that feeling. However, I personally believe it is just the psychological effect of our experiences and our understandings of how we believe the world should work. I believe that it is a total environmental effect and can be explained away entirely without genetics or creationism. My evidence of this is in the fact that each culture has its own set of values because each culture is in most ways surrounded by people of that same culture. The culture raises its poplation on the values of the culture and those values are the basis for how we think. Even within the same culture, everyone has a different set of values because no two people have the exact same experiences. Because of these different experiences we have different experiences, we have different sets of values. And therefore, we have different views on what a perfect being like God would be like. Finally, I conclude that we all have different Gods we believe in(if we believe in god). If you accept this, I believe that it brings question to the existence of God itself. I mean, if there really is only one God, and we all have to believe in him/her and we all have different views on who God is, all but one of us is going to hell. Wouldn't it be more logical to believe that there is no God and its just us and our own values? Just my opinion on the matter. "Your own Personal Jesus. Someone to hear your prayers. Someone who cares. Your own Personal Jesus. Someone to hear your prayers. Someone whose there."
Read 6 comments
hey ya..i used to believe in god..butnot ne more bc thing suck for me..
you sound hot, can i marry you?
if not ill settle for brian molko. hes dead sexy.
This is going to sound spastic so bare with me. I feel you on the whole cultutal influance thing, and I find it facinating that despite some very different cultural differences there are many things that seem to be universal. ie a desire for purpose in life- a need for a 'god' be it G-D or money or whatever you have that gives your life 'meaning'. another simmilarity in most religions is a god or figure that somehow sacrifices him/herself for TBC
cont.. the bennifit of the believer. something ells thats interesting about human nature is we have to live for something, even if we don't believ in a god, we have to have a reason to get out of bed, it could be pleasure, work [to gain fame], or for some making the lives of those around them misurable gives them reason to keep living. we all think were so different- granted no two are exactly alike- but were not too different eithor.
thank you very much for the post you left me. it made me smile. that's probably the best thing i've heard about either hope or love that was realistic and uplifting in quite a while.
so i liked your post about god. we're discussing theology in my philosohy class right now, but it always turns into a bible study, damn bible belt. i find it most useful to think of each person as god. that give me all the power and all the responsibility. take it.
interesting...but i don't quite agree. good point though.