Listening to: "Trendy" - Reel Big Fish
Feeling: bitter
I've been so depressed lately. I generally don't get depressed, but now it seems like nothing is pleasurable anymore. It seems that no matter how much I sleep, I am always tired. Even though its a nice day out, I don't want to go outside. Seeing so many happy people, involved in so many happy little activities just reminds me of how much I don't do anymore. There are something like 10 days of school left. Then, I'm going to have to find a job back home for the summer. I'm going to be working all day long for money that I will probably just piss away on stupid shit I don't need. Is there really anything worthwhile to spend money on anymore? I'm losing hope and there doesn't seem to be a light at the end of my tunnel. I'm more likely to get hit by a train than to reach daylight. I'm really going nowhere, and I'm getting closer to my destination everyday. Anyhow, enough bitching.
In other news, its national conformity week here at the college. They're calling it "Greek Week," but it should actually be called "I'm just like everybody else week so I'm cool." All of the fraternities and sororities are all dressing exactly alike and walking around talking about how great it is to be unoriginal. I guess I shouldn't be pissed. Its really nothing different from any other week. The only difference is just now they are all color coordinated. Instead of their usual Abercrombie apparel, they've chosen uniforms that are less mistakeable. Now they know exactly who is just like them. Anyone who doesn't match exactly what they look like is going to have to stay away from them. They're part of a better society. No longer will they have to go through the confusing process of evaluating style. Now judgements can be made swiftly and the simple social structure that was apparently too difficult a concept to grasp for some of them has been made even easier.
I'm so glad I didn't join any frats. I was offered the chance to join two, but I am glad to say that I did not join. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people in fraternities and sororities that I like, but this whole group solidarity thing is going a little too far. I know several really cool people here that are in these groups, but I like them in spite of their involvments of college social constructions. Hell, I even understand their involvments. I mean, its like Reel Big Fish says, "Its not so bad being trendy. Everyone who looks like me is my friend." Its a completely understandable concept to want to have friends. I just don't feel that the sacrifice of individuality is necessary to get them. If all of my friends were exactly like me, they wouldn't be my friends. I do have a few friends that are a lot like me, but we have very distinct differences. I think that if we didn't have those, we probably wouldn't be very good friends. Because we would want the exact same things, we would be in constant competition with eachother go get these things. With such a competition, we would most likely become enemies. But because of these differences, we can manage to create group goals that satisfy the full extent of the desires of the group. Also we can work together, instead of against eachother, to accomplish our goals.
"Its not so bad being trendy.
Every one who looks like me is my friend. Please don't hate me because I'm trendy. They're not going to laugh at me again."
I have never understood peoples' burning desire to conform to the norm.
More amusing though are those who try to be individuals, completely unique and end up looking the very same as thier possey.
Those are your words not mine. We'll make it. One day at a time. Reading your diary, I know that you have an amazing mind. You can do anything with it. Just take it back.