Good Times

Feeling: good
I took the 2 hour drive to Ohio University this weekend with some friends. Good times were had. I got nice and wasted both nights I was there. We stayed at one of my friend's brother's apartments. He is a senior and, though I didn't know this until I got there, he is a philosophy major which was fucking awesome. We did all sorts of different things there; hit the bars, went to a house party, had a small house party, met women, and just partied our asses off. The first night, Friday, it was raining out for most of the night so we just had a small party...the 4 of us guys and 4 girls. No, I didn't get any, if thats where you think I'm going with this. They were hot seniors. I am a freshman. Yeah, I sure was gonna get some there(sarcasm). However, they were really smart which is a total change. So many times I hang out with girls that just aren't on an intelligent level at all. Maybe I'm too judgemental. I like to think I keep an open mind though. It just seems that most of the girls that party are the girls that dont have any ability for intelligent thought. Also, they are hot so ussually they don't have to think for themselves because there is always some guy out to get a piece that will do their thinking for them. Therefore, they haven't had to use their minds as much and therefore are not as adept at using it. That is a terrible thing to say. And don't by any means think that I have taken this a rule. I know plenty of hot girls that are intelligent. In fact, I know a lot of hot girls that are far smarter than I am. However, they don't seem to be the girls that like to party all of the time. Anyhow, I am getting off subject. There was this really cute brunette that I had an interesting philosophical conversation with. She was just smarter than me which was great. I LOVE girls that are smarter than me. But, as I said, nothing was ever going to happen with her. It just wasn't feasable. Anyhow, that was fun. Then, after the girls WENT HOME(yeah, I was disappointed too), I had a huge philosophical debate with my friend's brother, Ryan. See, he is a theist whereas I am atheist (haha) so we had a good long debate over this and that. We discussed the implications of God and good and evil. We discussed reality, we discussed truth, we discussed self, we discussed life, we discussed death. For only having done study on my own for the most part, I kept up with his arguments pretty well. There was no real winner in our debate, but that wasn't the point. I really learned a lot from him and I think he may have even learned a little from me. It was just fucking awesome. Then, the next night, we hit the bars, we hit the parties, and we hit the liqour a lot harder. My friend Reid's girlfriend came down and it was drama drama drama, but we managed to have fun anyhow. Lots of fun people out on the streets, good weather, and good times. I am satisfied with my weekend. Oh and, though Reid's girlfriend brought drama, there is a possibility that she can hook me up with one of her hot friends which would be fan-fucking-tastic. Anyhow, I'm outta here. Later, kids. ______________________________________________ I almost forgot to display my new psychadellic picture. Click on the image to enlarge.
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