
Feeling: bored
So I decided to make my own icon from one of those picture maker sites. However, I wanted to add something of my own to it, so I tried to create my own. I'm still working on text, and its not clean, but eh, I don't feel like fixing it. Frankly, I think its kinda dumb and I just have way too much time on my hands today.
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now my friend would you happen to have aim or aol..i would like to hear more views of your thoughts on todays cheap mall rock thing so called music of today.
hahaha Ack I get bored too...hehe so Im contsnatl finding new freidns sitesx that are free...and just getting more and more friedns that I dont know...talking to random ppl and doing html stuff
i think the animations you do are really awesome. i wasn't familiar with that kind of media until i saw you picture, your casino thing, and i think there might have been something else. i think they're much better than any animated character, and i've seen a lot of those.