Listening to: \"Everybody\'s Gotta Learn Sometimes\" - Beck
Feeling: awestruck
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is by far the best movie I've seen all year. If you haven't seen this movie, get up right now, steal a car, and drive to the theater to see it. It really gets into how people think and what people remember. It presents that "what if" scenario that anyone who has ever been dumped has pondered at one point or another. If you could take away that horrible feeling, that shitty, "I wish I was dead" feeling that comes when you lose someone you love., would you? How about if it means forgetting the experience entirely? If we could lose all memory of those moments we share with someone, good or bad, would we? Should we?
So many deep thoughts are provoked by this movie. I would go into a long rant on these thoughts, but I don't have time right now. Maybe later.
It should be noted that I was stoned during this movie, I suppose. Just the same, go and see this movie.
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