Listening to: "Bitch" - Meredith Brooks
Feeling: pissedoff
Well, today I went and saw the Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. For those of you who do not know what they are, no, they aren't some freaky porno thing. Its a show where women talk about being women. Yes, it is a performance with feminist motivation in many ways. Its about helping women to empower eachother. In the performance, several women get up and talk about all of the problems and all of the virtues of women. The show is based on the interviews of many women of many cultures and countries. These women talk about first menstration stories, orgasm stories, lesbian experiences, and rape problems.
I'm not sure exactly how I feel about the whole ordeal. I mean, I am all for the empowering of women and all of that. I feel that women should in no way be seen as inferior to men. Anyone who disagrees is a complete idiot and should not be allowed to intermix with society. In that respect, I really think that this show is a good thing. It lets women know that they shouldn't stand for the way that they are treated sometimes. It also unifies women as one unique group. That being said, I also feel that, in many ways, it serves to seperate people more. I, lacking a vagina, sort of felt like I was supposed to be the bad guy. In the process of empowering women, the performance sort of deminishes men. I know that men have been the better of the sexes to be in the past, but now I think that if you are going to empower people, you should empower everyone. I think that, in this day and age, we should be able to see that we are all the same and we should be empowered just by being our own unified people. We shouldn't see ourselves as men OR women, but instead men AND women. There should be no black OR white, there should be black AND white. The problem we face is that there are too many "ists" in the world. Feminists, environmentalists, masculinists(yes they do exist), racists, fascists, terrorists, communists...etc.. I think that if we had just a few less "ists" in the world we would be better off.
P.S. I think I'm a lesbian now because of my experiences tonight.
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