Listening to: \"Happy Jack\" -The Who
Feeling: happy
It occured to me for the first time in a long time, that I might just be happy. I mean, for once in my life I felt like everything was gonna work out. I felt like, maybe, just maybe, everything good was going to fall in place. I felt like life really isn't so lame all the time. I think what my day was initially shitty, but it fixed itself kind of. I got up today at 12:30, which was pretty sweet, but I got up and looked out the window and there goes the bus that I wanted to take to class at the bus stop. So I start to hurry, but I give that up real quick because there wasn't a testicle's chance in a feminist protest(jokes) that I was going to make it. So I get ready and I go to begin the long voyage to class when I see the next bus pull up to the stop. Praise (insert diety here)! That was pretty sweet. Just one of those little things that make life less shitty. Then, I find out that a bunch of my friends are living in dorms right down the hall from me next year. Again, pretty sweet. Then, I found out I got a B on a psychology test that I didn't study for.
One thing I deffinitely noticed about smoking pot, it has made me sooo much more analytical and creative. Though, my math skills and memory have gone to shit. Pot is known to stimulate the hypothalamus section of the brain, but it also seems to generate crazy thoughts. Paranoia is a direct result of these crazy thoughts, also a downfall. Here I am again, talking about drugs. Blah, blah, blah...substance abuse.
Now its time for some mysogenistic fun:
Lets talk about my other favorite sin--sex. Tomorrow I have a couple girls that I knew back in high school coming up to stay the whole weekend. Thank (insert said diety) for p00n. I hope to be bangin' this chick by the end of tomorrow night. Yeah, so I need to get some. Sorry, kids.
"...And they couldn't stop Jack from being happy."
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