Home, Truth, and a Screenplay

Feeling: deranged
Well, I moved back home today. This semester of college is over and now I'm back to living at home for the summer with my parents. God this sucks. I think I might just stay as much out of here as possible this summer. I mean, I will be working 40 hours a week, hopefully anyhow, but I think I'm going to try to stay at my sister's place in columbus as much as possible. Living at home sucks balls. In other news, I had thought that I wouldn't have the internet here. I had understood that my parents had discontinued the internet here while I was gone, but apparently I was mistaken. Hurray. Now I won't have to go through e-withdrawal. Although, it deffinitely sucks dealing with dial-up again... Enough of that everyday chit-chat bullshit. I want to talk about something that I was reading in philosophy recently. It was about truth and how we define what is true. There are a few theories that I've looked into. There is the correspondence theory of truth, which is the most scientific view. This is the view that what is true directly corresponds to the facts. For instance, "the sun is shining" is a statement that is true as it can clearly be seen whether or not the sun is actually shining. There is also the coherence theory of truth. This theory revolves completely around popular opinion. Whatever the group decides to be true, is what is true. For instance, a truth determined under this theory is guilt or innocence in a court case. Whatever the jury decides to be true, is the truth that is accepted. It is possible that a jury could be wrong and determine an innocent man guilty or vice versa. However, it is the opinion of the group that determines whether or not the statement "so-and-so is guilty" is true. And finally, the most interesting perhaps, the pragmatic theory of truth. This theory is much like the coherence theory of truth, but it takes it a step further. What is true is based much on popular opinion, but also now whatever works best at the time the truth is decided is what matters. For instance, most history books are written based on the pragmatic theory of truth. Most of what we know about history is based on the written accounts of the people involved, so thus the coherence theory is used. But then, however, the authors of history books and the curriculum advisors for what will be written in history books have to filter down history. It would be impossible to explain every detail of every historical event in the past 5 minutes, let alone entire centuries worth of knowledge. So there is a fair amount of information that is cut out of texts because it works better to tell history in brief synapses and summaries. But what I've actually discovered is that there is in fact only one theory of truth. And that is the pragmatic at its base level. Because we are given the facts to interpret within our minds, we choose what makes sense, or what works best in our minds. We put together all of the input we are given and it is solely up to our brain to decide whether a fact is true or not. However best the facts work into our mind is how we decide how to put them together into true and false statements. Therefore, all of the facts that we see everday and all of the statements we hear are just simply pragmatic responses to the stimuli we have recieved. Because of this, we don't really know what is real....but I don't want to go into that right now. There are far too many arguments against knowing reality that I just can't possibly combat. Its almost absurd to try. And I have not the energy to discuss this any further at the moment. Oh, and I've decided I'm going to try to write a book...or a screenplay. I haven't decided which it will be yet. However, I did have one thought on what it would be about. I want to do something that doesn't really follow chronological order. Kind of like a Tarantino film, except without the awesomeness(because there is no possible way to compare anything I do to his work). But anyhow, I would start it out with some crazy situation set in a big public park. Something crazy like a killing rampage or something like that. I would introduce my villian(or so it would seem), we'll call him John for now, about to shoot someone in the head at close range. Overall, I would introduce about 10 main characters in this first section. Not to say that there would be any hero because I don't believe in that sort of concept. I think everyone has their own good and bad points, regardless of how much people want to label them as a good guy or a bad guy. I would build the tension with all sorts of negotiating and intense displays of violence(because thats what you have to do these days to catch people's attention). Then, I would show our character shoot this person in the head. This would be the end of the chapter/scene. The following chapter would be labelled "Bob" because thats the name of the person that just got shot. It would start out from Bob's first person perspective. I would start it in his apartment with the beeping of his alarm and him turning it off. Then, I would just lead you through the day of Bob and he would eventually make his way to this park. We would see a few of the characters I had already introduced in his daily life. Then, his chapter would end with a main interaction with another character, for now, we will call her Lucy. The next chapter would start with "Lucy" (because there has to be a strong female role). Then, it will go through her day until she bumps in to another character. It would continue this sort of fashion for a while and occationally jump back and forth through earlier characters and new characters until I eventually would bring it back into the original plot and have a big crazy finish. The whole thing will be based on these seemingly random people's interractions with eachother and their common link, the park and of course the events of the end. As you can see, I still have a lot to work out. My goal of the whole thing is to display every perspective of the same events. It is my main priority to make sure that at some point, everyone can relate to each and every one of my characters at different points. I also want to make sure that there are no real good guys or bad guys, no right or wrong, just the events as they are and the people that are involved. I also will have a very detailed love story. A sex scene will be nice too, lol. I'm not sure how I'll end the story yet, but I'll get to that when the time comes. Its going to take me a long time to get this thing in order, but I will get through it eventually. Let me know of any suggestions or comments you may have(assuming anyone actually reads my bullshit). Hell, I don't care. Tell me it sucks. Tell me I suck. Tell me anything you want. 'Cause I'm gonna write it anyhow and theres not a goddamn thing you can do about it. But I am interested in input on the subject.
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i'm familiar with the theories of truth. the one i would agree with would be the coherence theory. i understood it to mean that there was no exterior truth to speak of. i think we build our "realities" with our minds, and the point of our lives is to experience our minds and souls.
your book sounds really cool. good luck trying to eliminate concepts of good and bad. i don't think they're there to begin with, but many people need to create them.
Sounds like Magnolia... watch it... and think of another idea.