Listening to: "The Grouch" - Green Day
Feeling: enraged
Its time yet again for another rant. So sit down, relax, and enjoy the hatred.
I'm fucking sick of all of this Michael Moore vs. George Bush bullshit. Its so retarded and I'm tired of hearing about it left and right from obviously easily influenced morons. I've got something to say to all of you fucktards that just saw Farenheit 9/11 and suddenly think you're have a PHD in political science. To all of you:
"You didn't know what you are talking about before and more importantly, no one cared what you thought before. Just because you saw some stupid-ass movie made by a biased fatass, doesn't mean that that has changed. You still don't know shit about politics and I still don't give a fuck about what you have to say."
Michael Moore is just another one of the fucking Hollywood toolbags who think that they're opinion counts for more than anyone elses. Hes found a way to capitalize on the liberal impressional youth and you've all fucking bought into it like 5 year old kids at the circus. And what really pissed me off about this is that hes made it trendy to hate Bush. People are now doing it because its the "cool thing to do," but yet no one has any fucking clue what they're really talking about. They've just memorized a few lines from that movie and that makes them feel like they're informed. If you're going to hate Bush do it for your own goddamn reasons..not because of some movie. And don't even try to tell me that Michael Moore isn't biased. He presented what HE wanted you to see in a manor that HE wanted you to see it. Thats what directors do for a living. Its the art of propoganda and its as old as war. Its the exact same thing that the government tries to do. So, Michael Moore is on the same fucking level as Bush, as I see it.
Now all of you must be thinking..."Oh he hates Michael Moore. He must be a Bush supporter. Hes one of THEM." No, I fucking hate Bush. I've hated him from the start. But honestly...Al Gore was just as fucking retarded and most of you didn't vote then, did you? I didn't..'cause I knew that both of them were just fucking tools of the state. And now, I have since changed my mind about voting. I, for one, am voting for Kerry. He's a moron too...but at least he is better than Bush. That jackass is just going to get us into more and more trouble with as many countries as possible.
So, in summary, fuck Michael Moore, fuck Bush, fuck trendwhores, fuck Farenheit 9/11, fuck you, and fuck your retarded little opinion. Now I've said mine..and you don't have to listen to it. So go off and see your propoganda and you're MTV and go fuck yourselves.
The End.
Heh that was awesome.
And I completely agree with you.
Have a good one :)
Cheers mate
well ranted