Test Results and Bullshit

Listening to: "Hate TV" - Chikinki
Introverted (I) 63.16% Extroverted (E) 36.84%
Imaginative (N) 58.14% Realistic (S) 41.86%
Intellectual (T) 69.44% Emotional (F) 30.56%
Easygoing (P) 64.86% Organized (J) 35.14%
Your type is: INTP
You are an Architect, possible professions include - strategic planning, writer, staff development, lawyer, architect, software designer, financial analyst, college professor, photographer, logician, artist, systems analyst, neurologist, physicist, psychologist, research/development specialist, computer programmer, data base manager, chemist, biologist, investigator.
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Thats a rather broad list of careers provided. I mean, there is a big difference between a financial advisor and an artist. It might as well have just told me "We don't know what you should do, but you should get a job. Here is a list of jobs that exist." I think maybe I failed this test. Furthermore, I don't think any test I take will ever tell me anything about myself. I need to learn about me through the use of my own mind to know anything about myself. Tests are just a generalized means of providing disputable proofs. What I mean by this is that no test was ever created specifically to judge only one person's abilities. Tests are made to see what you do in comparison to other people. I don't like to be compared. I am not a statistic or a graph. I am a human being, just as everyone else is. Tests are just another way to categorize people into little places in our heads so we can say "This is what you are and I can judge you accordingly." Another thing is the accuracy of most tests is often off. For instance, in this test it asks you to what measure you feel that this statement is accurate "I am very open." What the fuck kind of question is that?! 'Open' is a buzzword. It means different things to different people. I know so many people that I would call close-minded, that would say that they are very open. People like to think of themselves as open and will often say that they are open because it makes them feel like they are objective. Openness is a good quality to have in most people's minds. Because of this, whatever result from that question is open for debate. You can find examples of that in many tests. Tests often jumble a whole series of buzzwords like that together and you are expected to answer them objectively. The whole system is bullshit. The way I see it, if more attention was payed to the specific needs of each individual in places where a test could be used, we wouldn't have these generalized results. However, I do believe that tests can provide some accurate measure of how you could be seen by other people. Tests are rarely self-evaluated and they generally aren't written by the test taker. If that was the case, then cheating would be too easy. One of the only measures that a test can take accurately is how you could be seen by someone else's standards. Tests can provide an outside view of who you are. The test that I just took, probably has some scientifically proven facts to it and those to some degree may aid in measuring certain things. However, these results are often exaggerated to mean things that they don't necessarily mean. I could probably find a counter-example to most of those questions. Even tests that measure knowledge of studied facts are flawed. Math tests are a prime example of this. There isn't a person on this planet that has taken a math test and not made at least one miscalculation. Everyone makes mistakes and when you make a mistake on a test, it is assumed in the result that you simply had no idea what you are talking about. That may not be the case. The results reflect an error that, in retrospect you probably could correct with just a chance to retry the question. What I'm trying to say is that if even the smartest people on the planet can make a small error on a test, no result can offer a 100% percent accurate measure of knowledge. Our society is test based, unfortuanately. We have to take a driver's test to tell us if we can drive. We have to take an achievement test to get into college. We have to take a drug test to go into certain jobs or play certain sports. We even take tests to decide how intelligent we are. As a society, we trust the results of every test as absolute measures of everything from vision to the DNA tests to decide the guilt or innocence of a man/woman on trial. I'm not saying that all tests are completely unuseful. What I'm saying is don't be too quick to judge someone based on the results of a test you don't know about. Leave room for question. There is always room to doubt results. Society is too quick to judge, to pass over, to reject people. We need to know the full story before we can pass any true judgement and no test we have presents the full story needed for that judgement. Ok, so I over-analyzed this one. I'm done now. "Trends all mixed up. The times are wrong. Theres people everywhere."
Read 3 comments
dood is that header pic u???
The Fat kid is just a picture I found on the internet. I thought it was hilarious so I put it up. The photo on the left is an old high school pic of mine that I fucked around with.
I actually agree with you on this one. Very insightful, good stuff. I like when you get all analytical. very cool.