survey thingy

Listening to: man men-50 cent
Feeling: alive
haha its like 1230 n im doing this gay i really do NOT have a life. HAVE YOU EVER: 1) kissed your cousin: yes ma'am..erika:) 2) ran away: sord of 3) broken someone's heart: m hm 4) been in love: yes i have 5) cried when someone died: of course 6) broken a bone: my pinky..3 times 7) drank alcohol: haha no 0:-) 8) lied: not much 9) cried in school: unfortunaltly WHICH IS BETTER: 10) coke or pepsi: coke 11) sprite or 7up: sprite 12) girls or guys: Guys 13) flowers or candy: flowers from a guy..candy from the ladies :) 14) scruff or clean shaven: clean shaven 15) quiet or loud: doesnt matter 16) blondes or brunettes: neither..brittanys! 17) bitchy or slutty: slutty 18) tall or short: doesnt matter i guess 19) pants or shorts: pants WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX 20) what do you notice first: smile 21) last person you slow danced with: Mr. Dustin roser @ homecoming 22) worst thing to do: i would have to go with stephanie when she said the worst thing to do is to say "i love you" and not mean it THE LAST TIME: 23) showered: this morning 24) had sex: never have 25) had a great time with the opposite sex: today i guess..we had some laughs but i wouldnt call it a GREAT time WHAT IS: 26) your good luck charm: the ring i bought with the money my gma left me when she died 27) person you hate the most: samantha paradyze or maybe ginny?! 28) the best thing that has happened to you today: was with tony for the whole afternoon..and went to the mall n had pizza:) FAVORITES: 29) color: pink n black 30) movie: dont really have one 31) book: swallowing stones :) 32) subject in school: global 34) cars: mitsubishi eclipse 35) ice cream: vanilla with chocolate syrup 36) holiday: christmas 37) season: summer 38) breakfast food: bagle with bacon egg n cheese 39) music to brood to: haha brood? DO YOU EVER: 40) sit by the phone waiting for someone to call?: sometimes 41) save internet conversations:sometimes 42) save emails: like everyone 43) wish you were someone else: yes all the time 44) wish you were a member of the opposite sex: yes! 45) cried because of someone's mean words: yea..unfortunatly BEST: 46) cologne: candies maybe? 47) friend(s): Dan, Stpehanie, kristy, melissa, ashley... britt? kaila? 48) kiss: Tony Jamessss 49) romantic memory: fireworks with ryan warner in 6th grade. 50) most recent advice given to you: odnt let shit botther will pass by DO YOU 51) color your hair: never 53) have piercings: ears and soon to be my belly 54) have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yepp 55) own a webcam: yes 56) own a thong: haha i wont wear anything but them 57) ever get off the computer: not often 58) sprechen sie deutsche: speak english you douche bag 59) habla espanol: i hate spanish 60) quack: homo what? HAVE YOU/DO YOU/ARE YOU: 61) stolen anything: nope 62) smoke: ehh no? 63) schizophrenic: too big of a word 64) obsessive: maybe 65) compulsive: say what? 66) obsessive compulsive: hmm lemme think 67) panic: somtimes 68) anxiety: maybe? 69) depressed: alittle @ times 70) suicidial: …lets see.. 71) obsessed with hate: no? 72) dream of mutliated bodies: oww phsyco? RANDOM QUESTIONS 73) if you could be anywhere, where would you be?:with tony anywhere 74) can you do anything freakish with your body: i can roll my stomach in the water 75) what facial feature do you find the most attractive: eyes… n smile 76) would you vote for a woman candidate for president: yes of coarse..if she could fit the job 77) would you marry for money: will never matter to me 78) have you had braces: no 79) do you pluck your eyebrows: yea..when i remeber 80) do you like hairy backs: on monkeys:) 81) could you live without a computer: haha noo 82) do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list, etc...? AIM 83) if so, how many people are on your lists: 150 84) if you could live in any post time period, which would it be? i dont fuckin know 85) do you drink enough water: probly not 86) do you wear shoes in the house or take them off: leave them on 87) what is your favorite fruit: strawberries n oranges 88) do you eat wheat bread or white: idc 89) do you kiss on the first date: if i had a good time n we're feelin eachother. 90) are you photogenic: well i love getting my pic take but when i get the pics like DONT SHOW THIS TO ANYONE! 91) do you dream in color or black and white: color 92) are you wearing fingernail polish: kinda..reddish pink 93) do you have any dimples:noope 94) do you remember being born: who does? 95) why do you take survey's: somtimes they're interasting..or im bored..either one 96) do you drink alcohol: somtimes 97) what is the best accent: frances 98) who do you want to kiss: mr. tony james of coarse 99) do you like sunrises or sunsets the most: Sunsets 100) do you want to live to be 100?: hell no 101) is a flat stomach important to you: not really..but i dont like beer bellys 102) are you loyal: yes! 103) are you tolerant of other people's beliefs: yea..why wouldnt i be 104) when you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? off 105) do you have nightmares frequently: no not really. 106) do you like your nose: its ok i guess 107) do you think you can draw well: haha 108) at what age did you find out Santa Claus wasn't real? 10 109) how many pairs of shoes are in your closet: 6 er 7 110) do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like variety? does i really matter..come on 111) do you write poetry: yea somtimes 112) do you snore: haha i gues? 113) do you sleep more on your back, front, side or tummy?: sleeping 114) dog/cat? dog 115) do you lick stamps: no 116) do you use an electric can opener? nope 118) which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain: emotional…you feel sick n heavy all the time..n plus, it lasts longer. 119) favorite TV show: roesanne 121) do you prefer a piano or violin: piano 122) are you a sex addict? um no? 123) do you know someone who has cancer? yea 124) do you like to argue: no hate it 125) do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants: fast food 126) would you rather vist a zoo or an art musuem: zoo :) 127) do you have a middle name?: yes Anne 128) are you basically a happy person: i guess but i have my moments 129) are you tired?: yes..its quarter of 1am 130) did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: orange soda:) 131) how long is your hair: a lil bit past my shoulders 132) do you get along with your parents? My mom 133) what color of eyes do you prefer: blue 134) first name: Brittany 135) were you named after anyone?: no 135) do you wish on stars?: all the time 136) when did you last cry: 137) if you were making a movie about yourself, what would the title be? dont read this..its gay 138) do you like your handwriting:yes 139) who do you admire and why: Britney spears..nice body..says somthing in all of her music..good voice man!! 140) what is the #1 priority in your life?: help other people b4 myself 141) any bad habits: biting my nails 142) what is your most embarrassing CD? backstreetboys or the dixie chicks. lmao 143) if you were another person, would you be friends with yourself: yes 145) are you a daredevil: maybe @ times 146) are you thirsty? yesss 147) have you ever stolen anything: no 148) do looks matter: somttimes 149) have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid: all the time 150) are you trendy? maybe 151) how do you release anger? screaming 152) do you trust others easily: some of them..but mostly no 153) what was your favorite toy as a child?: my swingg 154) what class in school do you think is totally useless? spanish 155) do you like sappy love songs? yesss 156) have you ever been on radio or television: yes..with ginny :-/ 157) do you have a journal: yess 158) do you use sarcasm a lot: not alot 159) have you ever been in another country: yea haha canada 160) what do you look for in a girl/guy?: you gotta be able to make me smile...n wanna hold me..just a simple sweet talker..basicly somone who will treat me right 161) what is/are your nickname? britt 162) would you bungee jump? Only if stephanie was there by my side 163) do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: noo 164) what are you worried about right now?: my mom n dad..maybe dustin alittle 165) do you think you are strong: physicly yes..emotionaly..not really 166) what would you change about yourself: my fatness :P 167) i need: happiness 168) i find: being loved in return important 169) i want: finals to be over 170) i have: more then i give thanks for 171) i wish: on every star 172) i love: tony james knopick 173) i hate: ginnyyyy? 174) i miss: being happy all the time. 175) i fear: heights and bugs 176) i feel: tierd 177) i hear: the tv upstairs 178) i smell: i have bugers..sorry i really cant smell anything @ the moment. 179) i wonder: if me n tony will work out 180) i regret: NOTHING..never EVER regret somthing that EVER made you happy. wow that took me a while..dustin left like 2 hours ago so im bored now and all i can think about is tony n finals on friday..i wanna pass so bad. i guess im ganna be studying. well im so tierd.. i love you more then anything in the world tony james knopick :-* it takes someone special to make you laugh but.. it takes someone '[ r e a l l y ]' special `to . make . you . laugh . when . you . have' t . e . a . r . s - i . n - y . o . u . r - e . y . e . s
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awww... thats a wicked cute quote, and u'd kno i'd be by yer side...hahahaha