Wicked shitty Mood

well set my alarm for 10 to go get tony from his exam at 11. Went to the gas station and got a soda, went to mcdonalds and got a fruit salad and a chicken sandwhich for me and a parfet and another chiken sandwhich for tony, hung out at dustins for a while, went to the icecream store and got some icecream and then went to my house. It was all fun and no problems. well, then he started having a fit because on prom night he got me flowers and he told me to put them in my room but i left them in the kitchen? idk but it was wicked dumb. I ended up putting them in my room anyways but he was still going on about it. I had to walk him to work and on the way it ended up in me saying i was fat and ugly cuz i know it makes him mad, so he walked away from me and it was up the huge hill(harding ave) and well when i caught up to him i was almost in tears and out of breath. And he was mad and like chucked his skateboard on the sidewalk and walked away. So i picked up the board and im like tony wait i have ur board and he gave me the finger? so i sat on the fucking curb and cried like a pathetic baby. and whats more pathetic..I even called his cell. But what does he do? hang up and then turn off his phone. so wow i start balling on the curb and end up taking his skateboard home with me, and come down here and write this entry. I was sitting here listening to music(sad songs of course) and tony calls my cell. hes like where are you? im like home. hes liek well i just wanted to make sure you got home ok. i have to go to work but we'll talk later. i was like ok? hes like i love you and i said the same and we hung up. god i hate fighting with him. This is like the worst one in a while. This doesnt even sound that bad after i had just read it back to myslef, but idk it just hurts. I hate arguments. Every little fight with him, I become this big baby and break down. ugh i hate it. I'm sorry this entry was so fucking long, but its for me and i needed to get it all out. I'm sure everything will be fine later. My moms having a candle party tonight and all tony cares about is all the food thats ganna be out. haha i thought that was cute. so hopefully everything gets worked out when he calls me when hes on break from work..thats what usually happens. so ill probly write more later. This entry actually did make me feel better. I got alot out and yeah..i feel alittle better! I Love You..and You're Wonderufl to me no matter what. You're the best Tony x33 ::EDiT:: haha ok Tony called from work 10mins after I wrote this entry. He was like ive been here more then a half our and all i did was bag garbage..i didnt even take it out..i just bagged it:( I cant work like this. I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for even saying anything about where you put YOUR flowers, I shouldnt have walked away and I shouldnt have gave you the finger. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. (he sounded very teary eyed and what not) I was like "I was really hurt by your words and actions tony" hes like i know im sorry, please forgive me. I admit that i had some bad thoughts on the walk home but i wasnt going to break up with him or anything. He kept making me promise that i wasnt ganna break up with him. He sounded like he was upset and scared. It was cute but yeah..i was still upset/mad. At the end we ended up dropping everything and he said he would call later. Thank god he called. haha this part was funny kinda..hes like "you dont have to be sorry for 1 thing" im like "haha i know, thats why i didnt say shit" haha it was funny. Kind of an icebreaker. The one thing i said sorry about was that I called myself fat and ugly just to make him mad. Hes just like "thats ok as long as you dont truely think that" Well im outt. I feel alot better and I'm glad that this is over. I Love Him:)
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