
Feeling: bright
well..woke up with melissa n ashley didnt take much to wake up ashley..she was awake b4 gotta pour water on her face my ass:) went to school early to see my baby n we wne to best bagels..i got in a a really shitty moood becasue of tony..we were aruguing abouts somthing n hes like i wish i looked like dustin n im like i wish i looked like britney, danielle, n jen..n hes like you can wish all you want. i was like omg..i could have fucking cried. thats basicly saying that his ex-girldfriends are prettier then me. it made me feel like i was an ugly peice of shit n he could get WAY better. ugh. he said he was just kidding n im so beautiful n no one comapres n im way hotter then them but i know im not. idk. i will never forget that he said that. NEVER! i wish he never said that..i thought i knew him better then that cuz he already knows i was jelous of them so why would he say that. w.e! im trying to get passed it but makes me feel like shit. i love the kid to death but wow man..that was a shitty mean thing to do. the science finals wasnt that bad i dont think. but who knows man. everytime i think i do good i do bad so we'll fine out. i think i might have failed math. i dont wanna take summer school but i also dont wanna take 9th grade math over again for the whole year next year. ugh idk man. when me n tony were on the bleachers b4 my final today..he was like..i love you so much brittany. u are so beautiful. then we started talking about "forever" n i was saying how i dont belive in it. n hes like i wanna hold you never ganna let you go. ur never ganna slip away from me. hes like were not ganna break up for a while..n im like how longs that..n hes like how long is that? till the day i die. ahh i oculd have cried!! hes such a sweet kid. i love that. i was never really held or sweet talked with dustin n now i have someone great in my life that does. i love him so much for that. he makes me feel like im special n when we are together im the only one alive. i could never imagine my life without you tony. i love you so much n i never wanna lose you. stephanie asked me what i was doing this weeknd n i dont know about tonight but tomarrow dustin n tony are prolly coming over n tomarrow night im sleeping @ ashleys n then she was like well call me during ur fun filled weekend..n i gave ahsley this look like ummm ok? it seems as though stephanie gets mad when i have plans with other people n not with her. n both ashley n i think that stephanie got happier when she found out that ashley said no to dan. idk if its true but we both think that. i love stpehanie to death n shes like my sister but idk man...somtimes its liek stop talking about dan if it gets you in a shitty mood!! idk..i want her to be happy n she knows shes not when she talks about dan. melissas here now prolly bored out of her mind while im writing in this so im ganna go. ill prolly write more later tonight. i love you so much tony james.
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Oh I'm sorry, but you know sometimes, people just say things without thinking about them. Keep your head up kid. Arika