hmm some catching up

Monday night i ended up having tony come over at like 330 and he stayed till like 5. nice little visit. got shit out to stephanie and got in a "fight" with her? idk fucking dumb though. i worked until like 12:00am on my STUPID portfolio and i still had shit to do that was ganna do in school the next day b4 english. hm..stressful. Went to school the next day n pretty much didnt talk to stephanie the whole day until like 6th period when she signed us up for the library. we talked but shit didnt feel the same yet. skipped lunch to do the rest of my portfolio and tony brought me a hunny bun and a drink b4 the period was over cuz hes just a sweeheart like that:) i stayed after for bio and got some stuff in and plan on to keep going in so i can hmm pass? went home with melissa and ashley and had a realllly good time. it felt like summer again and made me realize how much i need them both. oh i heart them. talked to tony online for a while along with dan, kara and stephanie. Shit still didnt feel the same. i went to sleep after phone with my babyx3 well today..went to school looking good with my white sweater and "ass pants" haha oh yeah. brittany fucking blits got on my bus this morning with fucking ginny. icky icky. i dont like brittany and she needs to go home:) hmm..started to feel more like normal with stephanie but hm..not all the way. talked more about stuff and i told her about dustin sence dustin was too much of a bitch to do it himself. i felt bad but stephanie was ganna break up with him anyways i guess?! idk whatever. i stayed after for bio again and tony stayed for english. had a good bus ride with melissa and ashley on the way home. so funny. i HATE scummy people. Melissa and skyler came over for like a half hour..maybe not even. oh and get this..MELISSA FELL ON HER ASS!! soo funny. i laughed my fucking ass off. skyler did to. it was so funny. now im jjst sitting here kinda waiting for tony to get online while talking to melissa and ashley about napolean dynomite who is my hero:) im ganna go..ill write later. oh and i found out that my aunt died. My aunt Lottie. She lives in florida and i used to stay with her when i went down there to visit. she had a cool dog names Ziggy. haha cutie. alittle sad but tony was very nice about it:)
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ass pants? haha..nice. :p

Cute diary