I'm Finally Ready

I have had so many away messages over the past 2 hours saying that i was getting ready, but the fact is..all i found myself doing was eating and watching tv. haha so yes. i finally did it n its 1238. tonys coming around 1 so im alittle early but its better then late. The kitchen guy is still here and he showed me "his" finger. ya see..i guess it was totally gone at one point cuz he cut it off but then he went to the hospital n they took a finger from a dead guy n sewed it on his hand in place of the missing one. but then..the finger nail on the new finger was rotten so they had been growing finger nails in a jar at the hospital so they gave him a new one. it was wicked wierd/nasty, but i would have never guessed if he didnt tell me. well im out. hope this is a good day. i love you. ::eDit:: Im listening to Southside right now n it made me smile. i havnt listened to this sence the summer. ugh. so many memories with this song. Yeah..its making me miss the summer. it was so good. it was all laughs n games. but i think..theres ganna be others. but then i think again..will there be anymore just like that one or better?
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np ur diary looks awesome now!


[ lovesonlygiven ]
im glad your ready. im not. haha i dunno what ur talkin about..but i think im not ready
lol im a moron.. Im showered and dressed but never in enough time to write before school..geez ur fast:-p byee love
i miss the usmmer too... your house rocks baby!!!... i'm fucking moving to binghamton... i'll talk to you later... BIIIOOOOOOTCH!!!

love you
