Quick Entry

hmm..Today. Went to my dads house. He liked the picture with the frame and the card I got him for Fathers day. Hung around alittle and watched tv. Had this big Lunch with Sherrys Parents too. Rode the Four-Wheeler ALOT. Me n Justin didnt wanna ride it anymore so me n him came in and watched Big Daddy while Zack n Tony were still riding. I wasnt mad or anything. He was having his fun:) Helped my dad work alittle bit because hes building 2 decks..one in the front and one in the back of the house. what a good man:) We went home around 9 or so and hung out at my house till like 10. He left for Dustins house. I've been sitting here going on www.regentsprep.org and looking at other diarys. Pretty boring but Tony should be calling soon, at least he better be:) haha Tomarrow I have to get up early and go to the Global Review which is from 9-10am and then to the Biology Review which is from 12-2pm. Tony claims hes ganna come to the school around 10 to see me, but idk with his lazy ass. Well this was just a quick one. Im ganna be hitting the sack in a few.
Read 2 comments
Well let me get this straight...you think Kara is a 2 sides bitch......BUT funny how Stephanie cares about dan one minute thent he next hes liek well yout ouched me first and you smacked my ass and blah blah blah BULLSHIT well let me fill you in on somethign HUNNY Kara isnt a 2 sided bitch she does what she wants and doesnt care abotu the friction she gets from dumb cunts...so i suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut alrighty bitch alright! KIM
Oh and another thing in your comment yu said ME AND STEPHANIE BOTH THINK...whihc means you guys were OBVIOUSLY talking shit but you have the fucking balls to say that Kara is 2 sided hun get your fucking head straight and stop acting like your better then everyone and fucking get a life! thanks oh yeah LOVE KIM!