Last night (tues) and today

Last night i talked to Dan n he wanted to break up with Marcy. yeah..neat? i talked to tony on the phone too. everything was fine w/ the whole letter deal. didnt even talk about it much. talked to him about dan n marcy n he was kinda mad about it cuz it was just so dumb. i had to go though cuz my dad was ganna be picking me up. i told him i would call him no matter where i was at 830. got to my dads. he put me through so much guilt trips how i dont wanna be with him. it was horrible. had dinner and decorated the stupid tree. came home n talked to tony about it. he was getting like wicked mad about it. like..yelling n saying shit about my dad. i tried to ignore it n just let it go. i guess he had a fight with dan that lasted like 2 hours so he was alread in a bad mood. Tony had to go home at 9 so we got off then. He got home n did whatever while i watched "riding in cars with boys"..yeah, awesome movie. tony called at like 1015. we talked till like 11. i thought everything was over with my dad n stuff but he brought it up n opoligized for it. i thought that was so sweet of him to do because i thought it was over n it popped out of no where. immidiatly after we got off the phone i fell asleep. i didnt do my english out line. oopsies. my bad. do it tomarrow?=( Today i woke up n showerd n went to school. i had swimming. i raced vince in the pool. 2 laps. i almost one but i didnt, but it was a mistake to race in the first place. my asthma kicked in and i couldnt breathe that well. i scrunched my hair n everyone said it looked wicked cute. i love getting compliments from my friends and from tony. it makes me feel special. Dan ended up staying with marcy but hes not happy about it. They are gana try to "work things outt" but idk. He just trys to be like tony n its not working out for him. i guess he was telling tony that hes perfect n wishes he was like him cuz tony makes me happy. wow..wierd. of course tony makes me happy but tony kept telling him that he wasnt perfect n bla bla bla. dan just kept being gay. but idc cuz they are together and they are at least trying. went through school for the rest of the day in a good mood. in study hall i was ruching to get the outline done which i did thank godd. tony wrote me a note=) ahh i love it. i didnt stay after cuz its tonys "work out day" with Dustin. He said he would call me b4 he started n when he was done. n then at like 830 b4 he had to go home. n then again after he showered and ate=) so im set i guess. haha it would be better if he was here though. i think im ganna be alone on saturday though. tonys ganna be doing whatever and stephanies ganna be at the mall with danielle. no phone with her for hours that day=( so idk. i get my phone on friday. im so pumped, but im mad that it taked that long to mail. stupid ppl! well im ganna go. i snuck on the comp again today to write in addicted to it=) I Love You more then anything Tony. ::edit:: Tony called n said that he was ganna go to the mall and for me to call him at 530. i called then n he didnt leave yet then danielle bitched at him to get off the phone. whore what? then he called back 15 mins later n said he wasnt going to the mall because his mom wasnt home n he couldnt ask. while all this was happening he kept asking me if i wanted him to stay n if i said yes he would but i told him to have a good time. yeahh=( he told me to call him at 615. so i call him n he picks up n its really loud. He was in the car with dustin, steve danielle and nicole. ew nasty bitches. i guess his mom came home n she said he could go. he told me to call him at 8. so i called him at 8 n talked to him for 10 mins. he baught me somthing else for xmas and i guess him n dustin ditched nicole and danielle cuz they're gay. idk. the whole time i was talking to him i could here dustin in the background. idiot. then he had to leave. he told me to call him at 915. well i have an hour until its 915. The whole time i was dealing with that i was talking to dan cuz marcy broke up with him. i never expected that to happen. i guess she just said it was over n hung up on him. so i was trying to help him out n make him laugh about memories over the summer with everyone. i cheered him up alittle i guess. Marcy keeps bitching at him though n making him feel worse. i do think that dan should have called her back though. omg, im so sick of being grounded. i wanna have fun like everyone else it. i miss tony and i hate danielle. i didnt use to but now i do. she bitches at tony to get off the phone w/ me..whines about how she thinks i hate her when i really didnt b4. wow. shes a fucking whore n i want to stab her. i had no problems with her b4 but wow. then i guess she whined to stephanie cuz she wanted to hang out with tony? idfk. but i was mad. ugh. i really think that she likes tony n i dont care what other ppl think cuz i got a gut feeling. but ya know what..i have nothing to worry about. tony loves me and only me. n danielle is a gay little bitch that tony would never give a chance to. but wow im getting mad n im taking it all out on danielle when i know some of it just cuz im grounded n cant be with tony. god i hate everybody. =)=)
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