Snow days aren't Cool

Yell last night i just sat around being sick and talking to tony online sence i had the house to my self until like 3am because thats when my drunk mother decided to stroll in=) neat huh? Tony was being very sweet might i add. oh and i like the comments that ppl leave me and my diary being "boring" that are anonymous. thats wicked cool. my diary..write what i want..thanks though=) Today i get all ready n shit n then my brother tells me its a 1 hour delay. so i just finish getting ready and sit there n wait. then it turns to a 2 hour delay. so i sit there more n then it turns to a snowday. i dont want a snow day because now i cant even see tony. we have off monday so i cant see him then either. it totally sucks being grounded. then me n my mom got in a fight about me being gounded all weekend from the comp and phone sence i didnt get my stupid weekly report..umm news check! not my fault..i dont control the weather sweetie. yeah pisses me off. i talked to stephanie from 830am to like 11am. then i got off the phone with her cuz my mom was coming..but she knew anyways. she wasnt mad though thank god. i would have gotten more mad. i guess im just ganna be sitting around all day because parents can be dumb fucks. i wanna move because i feel like i get it worse now that my parents are not together. like i get the punishment double. ugh whatever. i need to talk to tony. i love you so much.
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