Nothing Biggg

Went to school today looking very good might i add. i actually tried to look decent. my make up helped though :-x Tony gave me compliments left n right how i looked wicked good in the clothes i was wearing. ppl arent used to seeing me in anything but sweatshirts now a days. yea. self consious much? Mr. Beebe told me to stay after to get help so i could take the quiz i missed when i went in late last week so i did. got there n he said he had a confrence. that pissed me off. he "forgot". w.e thats bullshit. i spent the rest of activity period with tony just hanging out. so that was alright. Dan wasnt at school today. thank god. im getting sick of him. i really am. he became such an asshole. hopefully marcy can change him. Dustin called my house 3 nights in a row @ like 3 oclock in the morning 2 times each. he wants me to pick it up but my mom keeps answering so he pretends its not him. im getting pissed n so is my mom. he needs to stop. I had cousaling today. Not bad. Talked about tony the whooollleee time. She said that she likes talking about tony cuz hes interasting n treats me good. me talked alittle about my friends n my family too but not nearly as much as tony. i can spill so much shit there n i dont have to wory about her thinking i care about tony more then her. thats an awesome feeling. @ the end of the "session" she asked me for a pic. my mom had the wallet of him n i that we got done. she said that he was very hansom just like i described. awww tonys so cute. i have to go to my fucking dads house for dinner tonight. were haveing chicked for the 4th time in a row. ugh. i want chinese and to stay home to talk to my love. i might go to shadowbrook tomarrow. i talked to my mom about the whole tonys not grounded thing. she didnt seem mad. we might walk home on friday n go see that new scary movie the grudge. my mom says that she might take us. hope its a yes:) saturday were going to this thing with gary at a zoo? isk i guess its scary n shit n its supossed to be good. you have to be 14 n up to get in cuz its scary?! idk. tony cant go though. my mom already told me. she said he might be able to come here b4 though. i hope hes not mad. Sunday is the cheerleading comp in binghamton. i wanna go wicked bad. i hope tony will wanna come with me but idk. guys n cheerleading dont mix that well. idk. we'll see. well my fingers hurt n im ganna go upstairs. tony hasnt got online n my dads ganna be here soon. lates n i love you more then anything in the entire world hunnie. i promise!
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I'm back bitch :) haha I HEART YOU PAPPA BARTON