First day on the laptop

i got out my moms laptop cuz i couldnt take not having the computer anymore. lol oh well. its wicked slow but its better then nothing. hmm..interasting day today. huge fight with dan in the beginning of the day which he payed for right after i smacked him in the hall:) yeah it deffinelty felt good to use some violence. Calling me fat doesnt hurt my feelings anymore buddy because i know i have curves but im not ashamed of them. just because ur girlfriend doesnt have any, doesnt mean you can be a dick about mine asshole. thanks for the comment kara:) hmm..Ashley Rocks and shes been my best friend sence like 4th grade and ur dumb ass isnt going to change that so screw off whore. I havnt just sick of putting up with all your bullshit and i decided to say something which you totally flipped out about. whatever. it doesnt matter. me n my mom got in a fight last night about me using the phone after 8pm which is so gay cuz um im almost 16 years old. idk but now she might not let me go to shadowbrook tomarrow. i really hope she lets me. i said sorry:( hmm..dan is officially a faggot though. thats really all i have to say because after i hit him i was so pumped up about it cuz it felt sooo good i almost hit stephanie after haha. i wish i did though. it would have been hilarious. its like 5:00pm and tonys ganna get on at 5:30..i cant wait to talk to him. i havnt talked to him online in a wicked long time. i love you more than anything hunnie.
Read 3 comments
alright, i tried talking to you on AIM, and if dan and you cn work shit out, then couldn't we at least stop this drama... i'm not the one talking shit... i don't even want to be friends after this, but can't we just stop the stupid 5 year old name calling

your welcome Brittany:) always here fer ya:) you should read the comments i left on Dan's and stephs ahahaha im sooo fucken pumped... i should Take a feild trip to M.E High hahah that would be fucken AMAZING hahahahaha i bet steph wouldnt know what the fuck to think if i just wandered on up and said hi and punch her right in the face... hmmmm.... sounds like a plan:) ;D

*Kara Anne*
kara looks like a man so id hit her ;)