Mornings mann

Last night i talked to tony for like 5 mins while our moms were figuring out plans for the next day n tony said something was wrong n he would tell me at thanksgiving with his gma. i was getting scared like it was somthing about us..then he said its not so idk. but im still worried. i didnt get to sleep last night. it wasnt because of that though. i just wasnt tierd. i fell alseep around like 2 then woke up at 9. i had a bad dream about a HUGE snake. like the one on anaconda. omg. it was in my house. n the girl from the show rosanne was in it. "jackie"..rosannes sister. omg n she was being annoying n wouldnt help me when it was trying to eat me. wow. weird dream but you can tell that i watch rosanne to much:) but now im up at 9a*m just sitting around and talking to kristy. im ganna go though. i love you so much baby. I Promise. ::eDit # 1:: My mommies making me some muffins right now n im so excited to eat them. im so hungry but i gotta save room for today with my love:) hehe i told my mom about my dream..she looked at me like i was a moron, but hey..who wouldnt?! haha im ganna go now. my lovely muffins will be done soon. ta ta for now sluts. ::eDit # 2:: The Kitchen guy is here now. n its like 11:09am. i need to get ready but everytime i open the door to go upstairs i bother the guy so idk what to do. i guess ill just have to keep bothering him cuz i need to shower. haha later.
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