Ryan Williams Ghetto Van!

Yesterday I wentto work from like 5-8 and when I got out..Ryan Williams, Dan and Tony showed up to gimmie a ride home?! haha ryans van that he just got is so ghetto. It's a 1986 gray van thats wicked rusty and it doesnt have brake pads. When he breaks..It's metal on metal. haha oh wow. Then my mom took me, Dan, and Tony out to dinner at the olive Garden. Gary was pissed cuz the shrimp was too expensive so he bitched at the manager and hes like..I'm sorry is there anything I can do? and Garys like umm you can get the birthday girl and her 2 friends pieces of cake. haha Free cake and its not even my brithday..I'm down with that:) They even sang to me. haha. We came back to my house and chilled for a while(prolly till around midnight or so) and then Tony tucked me in and I called it a night. I had to get up early for work in the morning. I got up at like 6:45 to get ready for work at 8. I made $40 in tips today so im happy. 10 cents for every dollar and usually people leave around 3 dollars a table so umm haha Thats alot of tables I had today. My mom gave me a ride home cuz i was too pooped to walk. Me n Tony are ganna go to my dads for the night today so it should be fun. And my uncle Dan is coming in from Alabama so I can't waiiit!
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