Computer is Backkkk n tony went to my dads house from saturday to sunday which included the field days:) We were there forever. We went on some rides which tony TOTALLY FREAKED OUT on. He was the most scared cutie i have ever seen in my life! We played sooo many games and He won me like 7 stuffed animals:) haha. I won him a monkey and a blow up bat? lol it was fun though. We went back to my dads house and watched tv and hung out. There was a bonfire too so that was fun. Tony checked somehting out for me which I thank him greatly for:) We fell asleep together around like 1 or something? idk. But its great falling asleep with him. Waking up is the best part though..just seeing him sleeping next to you. yeah:) lol umm We rode the four wheeler alot so that was fun. We all went to my uncles house n had dinner there and then we went home. we spent the rest of our time watching Docter Phil with my mom n Gary. it was a good one. haha then his mom came n got him at like 830! Basically me n tony spent the whole weekend together and everything was perfect. no gay arguments and shit liek that, just allll fun:) I owe tony a HUGE thanks for this weekend. Between all the money from all the shit involved with prom till the field days. And plus how nice he was the whole time. I feel like i havnt done enough for him and i havn't thanked him enough for it. Hes seriously the best. I got my computer back yesterday! Thank godd! no more gay laptop! it runs wicked good too. All the parts are new:) Thank You Uncle Budd! haha hmm I'm scared im ganna fail bio..seriously. I dont wanna go to summer school. I want the summer completly off and I wont if i have to go. It will just be really i want a job. and if i have to go to summer school then my parents probly wont let me get my permit. BOOO! Well im ganna go. This entry has been fun:) 1 More effing Day! YESSS!
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