Pointless Entry

Lately Life has been really gay. Seems like everything has been going wrong which really sucks. Sometimes I feel like alot of its my fault or I could have made it better n I didnt. Family, Friends, uhh Schools Starting Soon, I had cramps today(if that even counts) n fights with Tony are always a down. I just want one simple day where NOTHING goes wrong, but thats not ganna be happening anytime soon cuz my dad just moved out today. I guess its for good. But we'll have to see. He confuses me somtimes when he tells me hes moving out cuz he always seems to come back, so yea. I have a feeling things will be pretty fucked up for a while n prolly ganna be all going down hill from there. I want Some Fucking Comments ..Leave some Sluts! :-0
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Ahh Britt I love the new layout! But I hope everything gets better. I'm here fer you whenever you need me. I'm gonna go to cheerleading now.